Lack of resource

Hi SG, here is another not unreasonable request…can you, if at all possible. tone down the rarity of certain resources, namely…Rugged clothes, Adventures kits and Sharpening stones? I cant upgrade my heroes you know?

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After you played a while these items will become abundance.

an interesting request for materials … I think we need to vote here … it’s just that materials always accumulate without problems :sweat_smile:

Strong rope too. And damascus blades. I know SG want us to buy all these ascendion mats, and probably strong rope as well

I really don’t think I will ever get there. Absolutely no way for me. Not in a million years. Talking about practice swords

Ive been playing for over three years…my team power is 4980…ive just ran out of these particularly items…

All the items mentioned are farmable on map stages are they not? For instance, if I run out of backpacks (Adventurers Kit) then S2 Province 1 fills me back up pretty quickly. Touch the material you are low on and it will tell you were you can farm them in each season, then go to that stage and farm away. Works wonders for me. Maybe it will for you too…

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

Thanks Blem, probably do that alright…never seem to the points to farm like that though but its always been the long haul in this game…

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Another way to look at it, is figuring out what you are using them all for. Are you using them to generate lots of feeders? You can easily exhaust your rugged clothes running TC19 if you have the ham for it. Adventurers kits, I guess TC2, but I’m not sure what you use sharpening stones for… TC20?
The requirement to actually use them for hero ascension isn’t that much, unless you are frequently getting lots of new heroes because I guess some are used at lower ascension levels or 3 or 4 star heroes. I remember once not being able to ascend a 3 star because I was missing something, but it didn’t take long to get.
Alchemy Lab is another source of these items so you can convert any surplus like training manuals and practice swords into Adventurer’s kit and rugged clothes. Or strong rope and wooden shield into sharpening stone.

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Hi Quinn3, i was using sharpening stones to train trainer heroes in the hero acadamy…it takes 5 for each trainer hero you get so it eats them fast…but the whole request was more of these because now it feels like the start of the game again if you know what i mean? I think veteran players shouldn’t have to go through it all again…i cant level up my heroes fast enough.