This idea was kicked off a couple of years ago, but I’m rebooting it because it meandered a little and the content is quite dated.
Also, reading posts by @Garanwyn still makes me cry
Here’s the original if anyone wants a trip down Memory Lane
So, which are the best counter heroes?
Extra points if you can find an easily available character to beat the best new shiny OP toys or you can flip multiple debuffs AND it’s an advantageous element.
Some of mine:
Kiril v Santa - Flips both the attack and defence, heals the damage AND it’s blue Vs red AND AND it’s an S1 4* Vs a Seasonal 5*! This is surely the gold standard.
Mel Vs Boril - removes the riposte without getting hurt, unlike Caedmon, and it’s an elemental win.
Kage Vs Tyr - unlike the likes of Domitia and Sesh, Kage dispels first, removing the resurrection before the kill.
Brynhild Vs Kage - can’t dispel me now, sucker. Special Def up + undispellible makes a mockery of the S2 killer
C.Sonya Vs Gravy - an accessible blue cleanser to finally see off all the Red arsonists, but the most satisfactory against one of the game’s most successful HOTM.