Kobra Kai is looking for new members to add to our ranks. We are a new guild and still learning the game. We’re laid back with no mandatory requirements or levels. Attacking the Titan would be nice but other than that we’re looking to increase our numbers.
Shoot me a message or check us out in game. All welcome!
Kobra Kai is a brand new Alliance. We are looking to fill our dojo with fresh recruits. Your experience with the game doesn’t matter, new or veteran players are welcome.
We have no mandatory requirements. We’re a laid back Alliance that tries to help each other out, kill Titans, level ourselves and our heroes.
Shoot me a message or check us out in game. All welcome!
Hello, sorry for asking that here but I didn’t find the answear elsewhere. Do you participate on wars? I am asking because of the short number of players you have, or it doesn’t matter?
Yes, we do participate in wars. We are a new Alliance and looking for new, active players to join us. Vets are welcome. Looking to grow our ranks and stake our claim. Check us out.