[KNOWN ISSUE] Jade's dodge does not break Khofu's Chain Attack like other dodges do

there are 3 types of dodges i noticed:

1- dodging direct damage only but aliments apply (rouge class and maybe Margaret?)

2- dodging everything but triggered by damage. (jade, ninja family…)

3- dodging everything everything XD (kadilen c, inari, hanitra, bastet…)

#3 will stop chains like khufu’s

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Jade dodge still work fine against Finley “chain”, he stop after one target dodge.

Thank you for the report, we’ll investigate this issue here!


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Hi, a quick update: we are looking into fixing this issue in V64. My apologies for the delay!


Better late than never


While you’re working on fixing some dodge mechanics. Can you also look into salmon Loki’s damage interaction against damage dodging?

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From the official V64 Release Notes…

Anyone else notice something apparently missing from the list of fixes?

Seems “looking” is as far as it got :cry: More delay :confounded:

Is it possible to unmark this as a solution ?

Something about dodge and miss where listin the fixes in the last V64 Beta build.

I can ask Staff about that why the final build contains very few fixes.

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Staff has just updated the fixed issue list in the V64 release notes:

It still does not have a fix shown for the issue of:

certain heroes dodges such as Jade and Margaret not breaking chain attacks, such as Khufu and Winifred.