Knights of Tomorrow - Merge or Recruit

Knights of Tomorrow is looking to recruit new Members or perhaps merge with another smaller Alliance.

Currently have 18 members (Level 40-74).
We’re easygoing and relatively casual but are all pretty active in Titans & Wars.
Facing 8/9* Titans right now and low membership is probably the main thing keeping us from moving on to 9/10*.

Lost of Canadians in the group, but we have members from other countries also.

Come join us or shoot me a message if you’d like to talk about merging Alliances.

Harcos Barnatovic
Knights of Tomorrow

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@Simplebeardedfool or @rchimpala might be interested in some discussions. :slight_smile:


We could make some room for like individuals

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What’s your alliance name?

Crew raiders.


This sounds like it could be a wonderful idea! If you would like to discuss this in greater depth, just shoot a message in Line to myself (rchimpala) or SBT. I think we could come to terms with some mutual benefits for sure! Looking forward to hearing from you! :smiley:

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I can’t find you in Line. I search for “rchimpala” and 1 person named “Impala” comes up.

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If you are interested in merging you could always merge with my alliance. It’s Hugh Jass. We are currently 18 deep but I can make room for as many as you need to bring along. Let me know if you are interested and we can discuss in line

I bet I could also get the active members of my alliance to follow me to your alliance also. But I would definitely need all 13 spots possibly. Can’t be for sure without discussing with them first. But we have a strong core group.

Our alliance is also willing to merge, if you want to talk on Line (halfbeerhalfhuman) or pay us a visit

The alliance name is: LORD OF EMPIRE - 2

Most people have over 1800 flags
We currently have 18 players. A few can be let go as well. We’d be full 30/30

Yep, that’s me! Line id is rchimpala and display name is Impala

Harcos, this is SBT; Impala’s teammate in crew. You may also reach out to me directly if still interested.

Sent a message in Line first time using Line so bear with me.


What’s your Line ID (I’m TheBrucEh)? Edit: (I cant find “SBT”)



My line id is jrigs

You’ll find it np if you know how to search for id

I have everyone from Crew- in line and can get u guys in touch

Btw your display name and line id are 2 different things, no punctuation is allowed in line id’s

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No worries at all! Glad you reached out and we can now have some good discussions about how to make this a mutual benefit for all involved

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If you are still interested in merging we would gladly accept a merger. Alliance is Hugh Jass and I can also boot people to accommodate how ever many active members that would like to join. You can hit me up here or in Line (RichD)

RichD, we’re still interested in a merge. What level of Titans are you facing?

My group gave expressed more interest in others joining us, but I suspect everyone feels that way in merges. We’d open 4 co-leader spots to people of your choice.

Knights of Tomorrow. Looking for mature players who hit Titans daily. War participation is not mandatory, but please use flags if selected. Thats it. Keep it fun, keep it light.

Still looking for members or a merge.