☠ Knightmares are recruiting / looking for merger (6 spots open)

Twenty character :sweat_smile:

…aaaaand I’m starting to sound like a stuck record right now

…aaaaand I’m starting to sound like a stuck record right now (again)

Hello again everyone. We managed to fill that last spot but we have one that has recently opened up! Come and join the most supportive and progressive alliance around. I can guarantee you will enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

2 spots have opened up - 800+ trophy requirements - find us in game!

Will still have 2 spots available… currently taking on a 9* titan and are close to war matchmaking… Let’s go!

Myself and another member of our current alliance may be interested. We are looking for a group that chats with one another, offers tips, tries to strategize during war, etc. We are both f2p but play every day. We are looking for a home that will be fun but gets the job done. I am at about 2600 power level and usually around 1000 cups. I believe he is similar.

Both of you would be more than welcome. We are a very active (chatty) alliance and we support each other all the time. Apply to us in game and you will both be accepted :slight_smile:

@Oxypetal see above, sorry forgot to tag

We still have 2 spots remaining

20 character bump for 2 spaces

20 character bump for 2 spaces

Sorry, for some reason I didn’t getting the notification. Was just wondering through when I saw your reply. His name is Wingman. I’ll let him know. I’ll be by later today. Need to talk to some people first. Btw, do you use Line?


No worries, we still have those 2 spots open. I do use line, my ID is og_tokolosh. Catch you later!

Hi, still have open positions? team power 3400+ lvl 35. Would like to join :slight_smile:

We do! Come and join us, you’ll enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

Great, gimme a couple hours (titan almost finished) and I leave my alliance. Gonna lost war chest but yeah… Better that, things just explode between leader and co- xD

Hi there! Are there any open spots?
Just waited for war chest to fill. It took forever! :nerd_face:

Looking for a guild. 1500 trophies working on leveling 5’s. active daily. Like the wars but never fought any titans higher than 5. Looking for a group that wars and drops titans

Give me an add. Texas leaving guild now.