I drew a Boril the other day and will bring him up once I get Kiril up to 3/60. I know he’s no BT but I faced some Kiril tanks before and he take a lot of damage and then go out with 4 healed up def and att boosted heroes to face.
Scarlett right now does have the better defense of the 2. I figure if they double plus blue to take down Scarlett then Kiril has a decent chance of being charged up and Scarlett should get a shot off before she goes down.
Boril is definitely better than both, especially now with the latest updates, between those two Kiril 100%. Scarlett tank is a suicide, better leave the tank post empty and play with 4 in defense
Dont get me wrong, Scarlett is really good [u can stack her everywhere, titans, wars, events] but her place is in a offense team. If you dont have other heroes for the defense, put her wing [or flank ] but not tank.
This is all I’ve got guys. I know Boril is the better tank when maxed but I’m asking what is my best option today. For this defense. For this chest. For this war.
Do you have the 4 capes?
At this point since u’ve already got Kiril at 3/25 he is probably the best option for your tank position, seeing the other heroes you’ll need him more than the others, because you get three in one for the same price. Tank, healer and buffer. If not Boril and Cyprian are your best options for a good tank.
Another vote for Kiril. In fact, until now, I am still using him as a tank with a 3 65 kunchen.
Since Kiril is around, work up Cyprian to be the next tank instead of Boril(although Boril is tougher). Unless you want to run 2 blue.
Level Kiril(then Boril) and Cyprian to 3 60.
Scarlett is a good all rounder minus the tank position. Without a healer, she is nothing but a paper glass.
Right now Scarlett is your tank. Keep leveling Kiril to take over. I wouldn’t assume that Cyprian or Boril would become tank. You’ll definitely want to take Kiril to 4/70, but you can’t say that about the others. Boril at 4/70 could make a little difference depending on what else you’ll have available for your team. But by the time you have to decide you’ll probably have an even better replacement.