Kiril and costumes

I’ve got 3 Kirils plus two costumes. I don’t think I need the 3rd but I’m really not sure. I’ve already limit broken his 1st.

I’m wondering should I level both costumes or just the 2nd one and then which emblem path to use.

Any reason to keep three of this guy? Update I have 4 total. So potentially I could use 3 different versions just to mess with people.

Costumes provide bonus stats to the other two. He’s also a solid 4* with an overheal so I’d definitely level all of his costumes but only go past 4/70 on the costume that overheals.


Interesting I hadn’t thought about the over heal costume as being the best one to LB. Regardless I LB the original already. I thought to limit break costumes thought you had to do the original since the can’t be a higher level

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My base and 2c share the same talents paths’ route, perhaps you could have 1 card with LB2 base together with 2c, and the 2nd card for the c.


Yea, you have to LB the original but don’t have to level it further. Costumes are cheaper to Lb.

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Actually, the base Kiril is the best one for me.
He’s a S1 magician. If he has 20 level emblems, he get 50% chance to debuff with each blue tile which hit the ennemies.

That’s his main strenght.
He’s not a good healer, the defense debuff is useful. But debuff with tile make him a top hero!

So he’s the one which should be at 4/80


I use the base and “Buddy” costume all the time. He does it all, especially with superior talents.

Four might be too many. Three may come in handy depending on your roster and how far into the game you are. If you are are in the early stages, you’ll pick up more Kiril and 2 is plenty.

Hmmm I don’t have the buddy costume.
I have “Blessed tankard” and “Blessed solo” is there another one?

A better Buddy.


I like his base for titans and overheal otherwise