Hi everyone, need a bit help for an Ascendig Hero!!!
Got Khangan and Kelile 2 RED Heroes for Ascending, but only have mats for fully max Kelile or To ascend Khangan till 3/70!
Which one is Better (I Know Khangan is better fully maxed), but need to know if Khangan (3/70) is better than Kelile MAX.
Yeah but for 3/60 you don’t need unfarmable mats and they’re a bit useful there.
In march last year I decided to bring all my 4* to 3/60 and max the best ones afterwards (collected the mats through this time), so I had a big bunch of 3/60s for war in may/june
Falcon is a hero that will be used long after you have a bench full of 5*. His red defense down is unique and great for red offense. His defense and health stats are great and will keep him alive on titans. Kelile is useful, but she will fade to the back of the roster quickly.