šŸ‘ŗ Kettle - 5* Ice / Blue from Goblin Village

Kettleā€™s Catastrophic Kitchen Failure should be changed. I propose:


  • Deals 250% damage to all allies and 450% damage to all enemies.
  • All allies receive 440 poison damage per 4 turns.
  • All enemies receive 1320 poison damage per 4 turns.

I agree, the third skill should be a combination of both the first two skills.
Didnā€™t even realise this hero is slow. All of those skills are not worth being slow


When you get a 5* goblin, this is the booby prize 2nd 5* hero you get for free?

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No itā€™s random which bonus 5* goblin you get for free :slight_smile:


But kettle seems to have priority distribution as first or second pick
Because hes so bad - i consider him guardian owl kind of bad

But considering the time when owl dropped this might be the crappiest hero they have released yet


@ferg, hello.
Basically 95% of beta testers think this hero sucks. But they take into account the 5% of opinions from beta testers. I think 95% of people were wasting their time.
But beyond this observation, the following question arises: What is the point of carrying out tests if we do not take the results into account?


Seems like blues are always either the best heroes or the worse heroes in the game


This is how I would change around his skill

Exquiste Food (45%) (changed to 35%)

  • Recovers 50% (75%) health for all allies.
  • Growth: All allies get 320 defense.

Rotten Food (45%) (changed to 35%)

  • Deals 350% damage to all enemies. (Change to wither: all enemies get -320 defence)
  • All enemies receive 965 Poison damage over 5 turns.

Catastrophic kitchen disaster (10%) (changed to 30%)

  • Deals 400% damage to all enemies.
  • Deals 80% damage to all allies

meh, second deadboot and this useless blue ugly mtfā€¦ wish i have rolled 1 green instead of these 2 ;d


I was wondering if he is maybe not so bad, but then look at the 2 new musketeers heroes today and he just does not stand up to the standard they seem to have set for new heroes.

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Iā€™ve taken him to 3-70. You know, i dont hate him. Not sure ill give him scopes without a buff of some sort, but he deals decent damage or has a nice def boost + heal.

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I really donā€™t understand why this hero itā€™s slow, compared to c. Rumpel this hero itā€™s joke, both of them have random special but Rumpel itā€™s faster donā€™t hurt his alias and all of his specials itā€™s useful, this one itā€™s absolutely disaster, slow his special itā€™s not so strong and also can hurt you team, really awful hero.


This would make more sense yes! I approve.

Here must have and option for Soul Exchange.

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Why is it that gamer addicts donā€™t have any peripheral vision?

All portals have gimps used to dilute the odds.
Cā€™mon guysā€¦ get with the program.

Dear devs,
I know you know. You probably donā€™t know that I know and thatā€™s ok. We also know that players want ALL new releases to break the gameā€¦
They donā€™t care that it ruins entire rosters.
They want to be number #1 :joy:
Best joke ever! Well done Devs.
But is there some way you can stop making it so obvious with the creeps? Maybe thenā€¦ dilution heroes might even appear normal.
And enjoy your weekend.


I leveled him pretty much because I didnā€™t have any newer heroes left in the queue and Iā€™m not sure how much longer Iā€™ll last before retirement. The negative effect hasnā€™t bothered me much because it hasnā€™t happened much. I donā€™t think he has had an impact in any of the raids Iā€™ve used him in. Itā€™s hard to plan a team around him because you donā€™t know what you are going to get. With him being slow and the poison taking 5 turns I find it takes too long to save me if Iā€™m losing. It should be more devastating like Milady given the random nature. Since you canā€™t count on the heal I need to bring another healer anyway so I donā€™t really care for a heal with this part of the special. I havenā€™t really noticed where the growth part saved me but the heal part is underwhelming for a slow hero. Iā€™m not usually a fan of slow heroes but I have Ludwig, Queen Anne, Winifred, and Augustus leveled and consider them all much better option than this hero from what I have seen so far.


I completely agree that this hero is in dire need of some ā€œrethinkingā€

He is so far from the other 5* goblins that is really felt like a smack in the head getting him


Soooo aaahhhh, what happens if this hero kills both the offense and defense.
This could potentially happen. Who would be winner in this case?
Technically you killed both at the same time.

It counts as a loss for the offense. It doesnā€™t matter in war the offense still gets full points and the defense is dead(I had this happen before even though it said I lost it was no different then getting a win). In raids you lose cups and donā€™t get loot for the kill but they still count as 5 kills for your raid chest. Tournaments it counts as a loss flag for offense and a win for your defense team. On offense you would get points for each dead defensive hero but not for the win.


They should have made skill at 10 percent do both the heal and the hit. That would have been interesting.

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