Keeping it Fun: A Veteran's Perspective

You know I have Misandra maxed since she first came out—- and I’ve never heard her special. I never play the game with sound on

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Big mistake! It’s so satisfying. I farm with her at 1.1 just to listen haha


Thanks for sharing your insights.
I’m glad they buffed her somewhat. I ate two but have two left.

Haven’t used her even though I maxed one. Mind sharing a video of this lineup in action?

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Great post!

I totally agree about unconventional heroes. I have Rumple maxed out, just for fun. I also enjoy using Morgan even when there are better snipers, because she makes the tile-play more interesting.

Anyway, just a reminder to myself, SGG did these things right in the last year or so:

  1. Alliance Wars - It’s fun. The battles really seem to matter. My roster really seems to matter. I play strategically. I share the joy, and pains, of warfare with my alliance.
  2. Raid Tournaments - Also fun. For the life of me, I don’t understand why people would complain about raid tournaments. They make my 4* and 3* heroes relevant. They break up the monotony of morning-raids by letting me play with Boril, Sumitomo, double Jackall, etc. when I normally can’t use a 4* because they die so fast.
  3. Atlantis Rises - A great idea. Each month we all have a farming free-for-all. It’s a good idea.
  4. New Heroes - Love them or hate them, pull them or curse the portal, I like the new heroes. Event and otherwise, they’re cool looking, and not too OP (as Peachy says - she will always be able to take down a team, no matter how many emblems or elemental links). Seshat, Kingston, Miki, have all been great to the game.

So… In the final analysis, I might be a little bored with the game, jaded with the portal/mats, but I weigh the frustration against the fun stuff, and find it’s worthwhile to keep the app installed.

I don’t have much hope for Alchemy Lab (too many shards required to swap a decent mat in for 1 of my 10 d-blades…)

I don’t have much hope for Costumes (they should have been cosmetic, and more generous about the grind to acquire them… at the moment, it looks bleak)…

I don’t have much hope for Hero Academy (it will likely be too grindy, similar to Alchemy lab).

I have some ideas, but none are on the horizon. I really wish we had an “Epic Raid Chest” to fill each day, where legendary heroes aren’t permitted. It would get people using their rosters. I want to bring 4-stars to my daily grind, but I can’t, they’re too weak… Maybe I’ll flesh out the idea and post it to the proper thread, but I really do believe an “Epic Raid Chest” would fill the void for a lot of players… Whether they’re older players, tired of using the same handful of 5-stars in every 3:2 stack. Or they could be younger players, who just don’t have the 5-stars…

I’ve gone off on a big tangent, but I’ll conclude by saying that implementation of an Epic Raid Chest would demand a positive effect on SGG’s bottom line. I’m not sure what that would be, so it’s unlikely to ever happen.


Those are some excellent points. I like hearing about the ways people keep the game fun. It is so much better and more entertaining than people deriding others for how they play or boasting about what they’ve done.

We get it. You can figure out how to match 3,4 and 5 gems and understand the words on cards so that you can apply that to the gameplay.

To the rest of us, let us have fun with it and enjoy e/p how we like.


Sure! Ill get a video together once i regen some flags

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts Peachy. For me the game is still pretty fresh but farming does get to be a bit tedious, even on auto. I like to challenge myself in clearing a province without ever letting the mob or boss fire. No item usage, just tiles and specials. It ain’t much but it is a challenge.



The E&P world if people lived this way

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You’ve figured it all out, @PeachyKeen. It’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun. Do what makes it fun for you.


Here is one. Its not the best, because i got a good board, but a good shot anyway


As someone at level 68, after almost 2 1/2 years and c2p, so much of what you said resonated.

First, acceptance that unless you spend mega $$$$ ( and I am in Australia, so that’s not going to happen with the exchange rate!) you won’t get all the heroes you want. Make the best of your team. In my case tc20 gave me 2x Lianna , the second after I chased Eve and missed. Eventually I leveled both and don’t regret it. I am even now working on Thorne because the RNG gods won’t give me a decent blue to use my 14 scopes on. But I’m sure I’ll have fun

Second, fun! The grind has to be compensated for and fun it is. I love farming, or even occasionally raiding, with a team full of minions if I have a spare flag… MN, Hood, Seshat, Buddy
don’t have any love for Danza though.

Finally, family involvement. I have two grandkids who love to farm for me. I specify the max level to use and have a power of veto over team choice, although rarely use it. The 5 year old always picks ‘Tree man’. More love for Groot than you see on forums! The 8 year old wanted me to level Elena… I eventually did it for her and everyone has fun

It’s a game, guys. Enjoy. Now, back to recruiting… not fun !


I just realized Valeria bites stack.

That’s some mana buffs with Ariel and Mis.

My raid team is similar as far as the mana boost.
34% buff with Ariel and alby.
I use kage and Victor.


My son and 2 grandsons play also, thats what keeps me going. Well and being bored stiff.

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My daughter has a team with Muggy and Queen of Hearts :smiley:

I think - as the whole thread states - it’s important to take everything not so serious. Of course, when you spend hundreds or thousands of dollars, it might be different, but after all it’s just a game with only “temporary” wins, nothing to gain from but fun.

…said it and got Renfeld from TC13 in her alt, yeaahhh feeder :smiley:


My 6-year-old (now 7) would always pick my two unleveled Hisans (from '18 summer event) to fight with… because… horses… then get mad when they got smoked on whatever level she picked. Sent her off to 5-8, which seemed to placate her :slight_smile: Now she has her own account and loves to talk about how Lianna’s ‘Perfect Shot’ can take out anything…


Just curious - when she’s stacked, do they all steal healing, or just the last caster?

From my observation, if they all hit, the last one to cast steals the healing.