Just the place for a Snark! I have said it once

It is too late for anyone to do that, @bigpoop :slight_smile:
Anyone who has invested a sane, or even insane, amount of time and money to grind, make their character(s) stronger or create a strong a foundation of his/her characters has made huge investment on their account which will constantly get better based on the amount of efforts they have invested on. They will usually do that on amazing grinding games and for them to stop this and eventually go for another grinding game (yes, usually they do that) it will be a huge disturbance and against their schedule to do that. However, if they managed to quit, they will also take a vaccine and never come back,… unless until … and not after a very short time.

That’s what I know … learned before switching to this amazing game and I’m still happy because of what I did. The vaccine I had after quitting (will not exactly) my previous amazing grinding P2W game lasted for 1 year.

Also, it seems no one spoke about the emotional aspects of grinding games. To be there nurturing your heroes and characters the day they are born and see them grow stronger … watch them take their first baby steps… they memories and stories of every single place they have been to and every achievement they made in their “live”.

Darn,… I used to stay online, for hours, just to watch over my character while at /sleep!
I did incredible things just for the overwhelming thoughts that I’m not good for my RPG character, …not able to accomplish all those great things other players did with their characters.

I did incredible things with my RPG character under the “influence” that “he” is keen toward abandoning and leaving me,… again for not able to bring “him” (Buy) all those great things other players have bought to their characters.

10 years … now log on to the character selection screen just to make sure “he” is there and to let “him” know that I still think of “him” and … love.

Even though “he” doesn’t look at me straight on the eyes, … anymore.

Yeah, I know … :crazy_face:

Thank you.