Just how bad is Elkanen?

Eve’s skills include dispel. This means that Aegir’s spirit link has already been dissipated before Lianna fires her skills, with the -54 defense against nature attack to boot.

Out of the 3 targets, I presumed the 25% damaged enemy hero is the one hit by Eve as the other 2 were eliminated by the 2 Liannas. This means that Eve + Lianna = 1 dead hero previously unscathed. But I have not successfully done this yet. Maybe because I have crit troops by reason that I dont have mana troops yet. Imma gonna check again and make some more observations.

PS. I hope SG plans to have more fast 5 star nature heroes that deal AOE. Otherwise, I am left with the same maxed Eve + maxed Buddy + 3/70 Lianna + maxed Lianna. I have both Elk and Kad. I may be getting them to 3/70 and see from there.

personally i prefer Elk than Gregorian especially at Field-Aid , multiple hit + fast and can be good combo with Eve for elemental debuff

just like Falcon+Anzogh > Falcon+Azlar

Do you speak from the experience? The problem is, Aegir’s spirit link (and defence buff) dissipates Evelyn’s hit, so Lianna is not enough to one-shot most of the dangerous enemies (=emblemed 5*) after that.
Proven so many times, unfortunately. It’s a pity when Lianna can’t one-shot an enemy, and you remember each time that happens :wink:

Yes. I actually don’t have two Liannas, I have one Lianna and one Greg. My green mono is Eve + Lianna + Elk + Greg + Alberich.

I wish I had two maxed Liannas, definitely would swap a Greg for Lianna. Greg is just too slow for comfort, while delivering almost the same punch.

It doesn’t really matter that much, you just need 4* troops and maxed out heroes for one-shots to happen.

Kadilen works really great, BTW. Zeline too.

He is stuck at 2.60.

Margaret Won’t go beyond 2.60 nor do elk

Maybe I will take cade from his 3.60
Maybe take another Hansel from 1.1 to Max

But elk?

I don’t have Evelin maybe if he is he paired with Wilbur or Wu

What do you think?

So stick him to 2.60 and Max another Hansel?..

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How field aid connected here?

That is all the truth

That is the reason my Greg, my first HOTM, still sits idly by at 3/70.

Field-Aid in AW , he is one of best hero in Wing when Field-Aids applied. others are Morgan and Leonidas

Yes. I have two Evelyns (1 maxed and 1 at 3/70) and I have two Liannas from TC20 (1 maxed and 1 at 3/70). Whenever I faced Aegir tanks, my green team is composed of maxed Albe - maxed Eve - maxed Buddy - 3/70 Lianna - maxed Lianna. Most of the time, the skills of Eve and the 2 Liannas are ready to be activated first, so i activated Eve’s first. If you havent noticed, Eve’s skills include to dispel target’s buffs and nearby enemies. By the time Aegir is hit by my Liannas, Aegir and nearby have no more buffs. However, any previously unscathed 5 star enemy hero, most of them, is not killed after being hit by the skills of maxed Eve and maxed Lianna. That is my experience. That is the reason why I bring maxed Buddy and 3/70 Lianna as there are times when the board smiles on you, all the heroes skills are activated, I fire the skills of Eve then Buddy. Out of the 3, mostly 2, targeted by Eve and Buddy, the lowest HP is taken out by my 3/70 Lianna while the hero with the highest HP is taken out by maxed Lianna. I need Buddy’s pulverizer skill to lower enemy defense. That is how I roll.

I have Gregorion, my first HOTM. He is sitting at 3/70 for the longest time, tonics given to Albe (from Atlantis), Lianna (from TC20) and Evelyn. My alliancemate has been suggesting to give Greg his due tonics but I am hesitating. I rather give my tonics if I have 6 of them (currently have 1) to my second Lianna.

I was leaning for a hero that hits the target and nearby, similar to my blue team roster composed of maxed Frida, maxed Grimm, maxed Athena, 3/70 Richard and maxed Ariel, which kills any the left or right side of flank and wing, whichever side has advanced mana. Once one side is eliminated, i ghost tiles to charge up mana and repeat the entire process on the other side. The tank is mostly killed by tiles within the first 3-4 turns of the battle.

Kadilen and Zeline damages all but with very low individual damage. I prefer how Frida, Evelyn, Drake Fong, Khagan, GM, etc. who have AOE that damages 3 not as a splash damage. If I am to choose hero that hit all, I rather have Azlar, Isarnia, Quintus and Ursena do that. They have higher damage output than Zeline or Kadilen or Zim.

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For me, one weakness of raiding with “hit 3” or “hit 1, splash nearby” is that I seldom have three targets in a row. I kill the tank with tiles, then finish charging to work on the pairs. Now, I have found with my blue team, I can sometimes target one with Athena then the one next to Athena’s target with Lepus and kill them both, but that generally requires some tile damage prior.

All of my green heroes - its a three Elkanens 4/80))

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I’ve replaced my 3/70 Elkanen with 3/70 Margaret in my green mono, and I’m having much better results now, even against red tanks. Go figure.

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I decided to ascend my Elkanen to final ascension like I’ve said multiple times before in this thread, and while I can’t say it was a bad decision given my green bench, I can say that it’s been an underwhelming experience. Elkanen just isn’t a hitter (at least pre-costumes), and I don’t think he ever will be. Now that he’s 4/70, his survivability is a lot higher, and he at least punches the target instead of slapping them which is definitely an improvement, but his self-heal pretty much never matters (on attack at least), and his contributions to the team are… alright I guess. He usually kills the target he’s firing at. Most of the time.

And don’t get me wrong, this is an improvement from a 3/70 Elkanen who died to anything resembling a sniper and hit about as hard as a maxed all-hit 5* when he had no buffs. I’d rather have a “usually kills the target and tends to survive most of the time” instead of a “definitely doesn’t kill the target unless they’re almost dead and dies a lot.” I can also reasonably put Elkanen away from my area-healer Ares and expect him to have a decent chance of surviving even without support, whereas there’s nobody else I can do that with, so I guess the self-heal matters sometimes. Sometimes, if RNG doesn’t completely hate him, he can survive long enough for a secondary healer to bring him back to full, but it’s just not something one notices an awful lot.

Fighting in low diamond with Elk in my “A game” green stack (Caedmon+18, 4/70ish Elk, unemblemed Melendor), Elk is doing a lot better now. He survives about as well as Caedmon and hits almost as hard (about 80% of the damage). But it’s always a bit of a butt clencher as to whether Elk will finish off the target or not. Sometimes the target survives with a tiny sliver of health, so I usually have to make sure I have Caedmon (or some tiles underneath) ready to provide the finishing blow if it’s a dangerous target like Lianna or an almost full Vivica or Thorne.

And this is post-buff mind.

So… meh… he’s alright I guess. I don’t hate him, but he’s not the best. I was impressed with a 3/20 Seshat. A 4/71 Elk is… okay… I guess.


Pics or didn‘t happen :wink:

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Elkanen with emblems and mana-troops is absolutely great on the war defence. Last man standing very often.

Yes, some fancy zelines etc. are better. But he is good too. Better than Liana for def (and worse for offence, of course). Tested in top-alliance for more than half of year.

Still, first tonics i’ll put in Liana. But having both maxed I’ll choose Elkanen for war def.

Elkanen is not better than Lianna for defense, I say that statement is false.

He might make a harder cleanup on the wing. But Lianna is just a better hero. She’s much better on defense. She adds a lot more kill pressure than Elkanen.


Lianna is significantly better on defense, and it is not particularly close. Hell, Elk doesn’t even edge out Eve as my mandatory green for defense.

It is possible that at lower levels of competition where people are still running 4*/3* war attack teams he might fare better due to being sturdier and not needing the extra damage, but at high plat or higher Lianna is better by a country mile

elk and caedmon on their own are quite meh. i don’t know why SG refuses to make any classic green 5* hero okay except lianna.

anyway they shine quite a bit more (helped by few emblems) paired with evelyn. after playing a bit more now i really have to say this trio has become very very good and i’m actually quite pleased. maybe this was because of lack of any expectations?

the only hero i ever chased was eve and i was a bit dissapointed by her on her own. she was okay, but i failed to see what everybody was gushing about. however, she started to be good with one sniper and became essential with 2 hitters. now she’s really paying off, synergy is everything in the end.
i know this may sound like bragging but it’s not my intention. it just goes to show that elk is NOT a proper 5* if he needs another hard to get hero to be acceptable.


You know, I had the same experience with Guardian Panther which is unsurprising since she, Evelyn, and Frida are basically the same thing. Somewhat average by themselves but great support heroes when paired.

Now that I have a 3/70 Obakan and 3/60 Seshat, Panther makes a lot more sense. On the note of synergy, Richard is… okay by himself. But pair him with Grimm and Frida? That sounds like a baaaaaaaad day for the defense team. :grin:

That said, my odds of pulling an Evelyn anytime soon are… Low at this time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Note to future readers: Evelyn was December’s hero of the month and has not seen rotation in Atlantis at this time nor availability via any other avenue, making her impossible to get).

I think SGG’s ostensible plan to buff classic green/yellow heroes (and purple to an extent), which are known to be lackluster is via costumes which may or may not turn into another money slot machine pit for the average player. Who knows.

Also it’s a bit of a catch-22 to say a hero needs to be a strong and independent individual to be classified as good. By that metric, Panther and Evelyn suck too because they’re not good by themselves either. I think it has more to do with “how many other support heroes does one need to make this hero in question viable?”

This might be why snipers are ranked so highly in that they need basically no support to do their job but are limited in their scope; an all sniper team won’t score the highest average Titan damage, and there are few snipers that make sense at tank and none that excel in that position.

That said, Panther/Evelyn need basically any on-color hitter to function, so their synergy threshold is low (though I would argue a Merlin, even emblemed, does not count… from experience). Green lacks a pulverizer or damage buffer, so the only realistic on color options to pair with Elkanen are Gadeirus (slow mana), Buddy (seasonal), and Evelyn (hero of the month), all of which are hard to get.

You can always pair Elk with off-color heroes like Boldtusk and Grimm, but it makes 3-2 offensive stacks more limited in composition.