Just how bad is Elkanen?

Did you choose the hp paths?
She seems to be at high stats without a base now.

Evade, atk, hp, evade, atk, def, evade

Taking another hp over atk would not change it significantly :wink:


Good to see her at +7. I already pulled the trigger on ascension, so no going back now. Iā€™m pretty pumped because sheā€™ll be my first red sniper since Azar, who I havenā€™t used in raiding in a while since Iā€™m in high plat/low diamond now, so Azar would just get crushed.

Too bad missing a Buddy in that lineup to make it sweet. :wink:

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Well strictly speaking Elk is no sniper either ;).

I will put him on my def eventually, mostly because he might perform one last hurrah as last man standing should it come down to a one on one in the end. Heā€™s quite annoying to pry out of a corner.

I would however swap him for Lianna or Zeline in a heartbeat, should I be so lucky.

Kadilen doesnā€™t bring much of a punch but she has a useful second special. For me, if I had her and considered her for def, she would be a candidate for one of the two positions I assign to helpers - not counting her as a primary damage dealer (for example Anzogh and BT could be other heroes competing for that slot).

Iā€™m under no illusion about whether or not Elkanen is a sniper. He isnā€™t. But Iā€™m at the point that Iā€™m running Gadeirus for his ability to hit a target, and thatā€™s the point when you know somethingā€™s gone terribly wrong. :joy::sob:


Hehe. As the not overly proud owner of Elk, Caedmon and Gadeirus as my only green hitters, I definitely feel your pain.


Yeah, but anything would be good to replace skittleskull :wink:
Working on second Elk and then maybe on second Caedmon because the game loves to give me tonics and shields.

I am extremely cautious as well. I have been playing since March 2018, and last month I finally started ascending my 4*'s to the 4th tier. I love Kasshrek as a tank. His healing and defense buff (extra protection against red), means the opponent needs to kill him in one or two shots, or else he becomes very hard to kill.

Currently have him at max, and heā€™s basically a 4.5* hero. My Eve makes him quite respectable, but should she die first he is basically a slightly more durable Caedmon

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Do you like him as an upgrade to caedmon? And i mean as caed paired with lianna, not caed on his own.

I donā€™t have Lianna. Wish I did, but just have Evelyn and Elk. Lianna followed by Elk is probably not quite enough to kill a typical 5* from full. Elk is definitely an improvement over Caedmon, but certainly not the huge improvement youā€™d like for the effort and materials for a 4*. He genuinely feels like a 4.5* hero. His damage to target doesnā€™t pass Caedmon until almost fully leveled (somewhere around 4/70) so donā€™t expect much more damage. The main difference is his durability relative to Caed

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I run my raid offens 4-1 alby,budy,elk,eve and gm, by the time eve and elk are ready it means elk will kill three. in this scenario liana kills only one.

This would basically be a GM+Eve+Elk combo.

yeah, that is what bothers me most. such a huge mat and time investment for a questionable return. iā€™m still hoping i will get a better option once atlantis opens up and i spend my last coins although iā€™m not expecting it. i guess i will know then if my elk will remain at 2.60 or move on to become a bittersweet addition to the team :D.

@XIX does he manage to kill three? he would be amazing if he was hit 3 but he only does splash damage. somehow i donā€™t think that is enough, even with eveā€™s debuff

By the time elk fires his special those 3 are already damaged, tiles, gm and eve. Only red tank teams not flanked with blue can survive.

By that logic Kadilen kills the entire enemy team! Much better to for sure be able to nuke one than maybe be able to kill up to three if circumstances work out just right

Itā€™s even more than that, because GM Eve Elk isnt enough to get the flanks killed. Thatā€™d be like 800 damage to each of them

Turns out he still sucks lol

Heard good things with pvp when paired with evelyn but still not event worthy. Tile damage just isnā€™t there for elk

Iā€™m going to wait until after I do my Atlantis pulls and see if RNGesus is kind to me and gifts me something incredible like a Tarlak or Zeline or something, but between Kadilen and Elkanen (the two I have), Iā€™ll probably go for Elk personally still.

Maybe Iā€™ll be hit with the ascension curse and pull Lianna after I ascend him. Hereā€™s hoping! :wink::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: