June 2022 Balance Update - Discussion

Why did he need a buff, and why is he useless outside of VF?

Khufu is out of control. 450% damage to all is crazy. Don’t care what speed it is. Same goes for Goseck. CRAZY. 3 matches (fast or average speed hero) get you ONE big hit for any sniper in the game. Just one more match of three tiles gets you 5 snipers in one? GTFO. SG lost their minds on these buffs.


he doesn’t attack all enemies buddy. if the side is empty then he will only attack 3. if the middle is empty then it will only attack 2 enemies.
you say 3 matches + 1 tiles = 10 boards ( my assumption )
Slow heroes normally require 12 boards (4 matches), 11 boards (if you are not p2p) and 10 boards (if you have magic troops level 29) if you have magic troops lvl 29, I assume you are a whale/p2p. if you’re a whale/p2p , you’ll rarely use him outside of rush and possibly events.

if, if you are playing at a high alliance level. I’m sure you will rarely use khufu.
maybe khufu can be supported with ludwig + xno ( but not everyone has / is lucky to have ludwig + xno ) I’m not someone who can do 830 summons in every portal.

let me give a little comparison:
C Guardian panther attacks all enemies 280% damage. -64% EDD to all enemies. at fast speed. 5% costume bonus mana + level 17 troops mana he only needs 7 boards.

khufu attack chain (does not provide certainty can attack all enemies) because if in the middle / on the side the tank dies. then you can only attack 2-3 enemies). requires 10 boards ( magic troop lvl 29) , on average player (not whale/p2p) it may require 11 boards. EDD only affects 1 person.

passive 70% success rate ( still RNG mate). but he’s slow. in the game most likely he only issued a skill 1x only. because he’s a slow, chain attack.

this is just a bit of a buff. which makes him more visible.

The buff should be Average. 330% - 350% damage. Enemies that hit the chain attack will get EDD too. passive 60% (like sobek)

if you say he’s crazy in rush war. all slow and very slow heroes will shine in rush war


You can read the @Gaia post and will understand why, I am really tired to argue or explain anymore, yes I returned the emblems on him just to test him after buff but he remain the just a little bit more damage that it, he will remain again without blems, the % of damage some time it’s not everything in this game.

Your post is lies and misdirection.

Not all slow heroes shine in rush. Even alfrike isn’t as bad as Khufu now. Khufu killed my full health attack team in two turns the previous war.

Turn 1: matched 3 yellows and killed the enemy tank.
Turn 2: matched another yellow. Activated my three yellow heroes. Fired costume rabbit, Wolfgang, and Faline. Didn’t kill the enemy Khufu and mother North, who had 10% health left.
Turn 3: forced to make an off color match into Khufu.
Turn 4: Khufu fires and takes my entire team down to 10%.
Turn 5: Khufu’s sand damage DoT kills my entire team.

No other hero except maybe a damaged Goseck does this. It’s completely stupid. But I must thank SG, because the was the last straw for me and I haven’t spent a dime since. Great job with this “balance.”

Without this forum, I would never have learned that NicoX is considered a delicacy.


we’re talking about Rush war.
everyone knows Alfrike is the main tank in Rush war. ( maybe she will be replaced by the 2nd Quintus costume (if nothing changes) )… don’t see Khufu as the main tank? as flank yes maybe only a few. he is not the first choice, unless people have limited heroes.
MN/ Kalo. Ludwig. Alfrike/TREEVIL. LoTL. C MN. it is defense meta in rush war.
if there is a survey maybe TREEVIL will dominate more than khufu in defense.

have you seen fast and very fast type heroes in rush war defense?? it’s very rare. almost all of them use slow and very slow heroes. there may also be some average heroes.
so my assumption. what you accuse me of is slander. not based on field data.

it should be with the C WR + Wolfgang + Falline skill combo. I’m sure MN + Khufu will die. but I don’t know the level and how many emblems you have on the three heroes. ok. if “as you say” they are not dead. turn 3 you are wrong. why do you have to force a board that doesn’t do any damage to khufu. I think the way you play is wrong.
a little advice. try watching youtube like Colonel. Hayato. Kian/Waffel. EP books and others.
maybe your skill game will be better.
because otherwise you will always ask for nerf on a hero that you don’t have. second. the way you play is not right, until you lose. you ask for nerf again. that’s not true mate.

I already know who you are.
you will keep repeating this saying.
don’t spend diamonds. but caught C Guardian panther 830 summons.
before getting C GP you said She was not balanced. but after getting it you say she is “balanced”.
yes maybe every portal you do 830 summons. can’t get the hero you want. you ask for nerf. but if you can. you would say it’s balanced. and repeat. I know who you are friend. there is a digital footprint

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Without this forum, I would never have learned that cannibalism is a common and perfectly acceptable practice.


Without this forum, I would never have found like-minded people who see through @NicoX 's false avatar and realize he is really a duck


I had a Raid against a player from Team Korea ( Top2 Alliance). The team was : Kalo-cost. Ariel-Ludwig-Khufu-cost. Mother Nord.

I lost three fights in a row: If I did not kill Ludwig before he fired his special, its game over. Ludwig boosts Khufu and Ariel, Ariel fired and boosts Kalo. If you kill Khufu next, Kalo will fire his special, hitting you with Khufus special plus taunt. The stoneskin is impenetrable so you get not rid of the taunt if you have no dispeller already loaded. If you have managed to kill Kalo , MoNo revives Khufu or Kalo. Ariel heals and boosts mana, and Khufu or Kalo shred your team to pieces.
I concede Khufu alone is not invincible, but his special is very strong. SG must be really dumb if they do not expect such combinations. They should have learned from GTV!
Buffing an already strong special after releasing Kalo is not a smart move.

Happy gaming

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that’s the perk of being whales.

they always have the best heroes to play with.

a whales most likely can only be defeated by another whales with their complete heroes collection.

the defense lineup of that team korea surely synergize really well.

wait for top 100 using the same setup if u want the hero to get nerfed just like telly vela history.

Its a tough team but ive beaten similar teams with c sabina c mel proteus tree gulli.

2 dispellers vs ludwig. If ludeig fires and you can get proteus on the middle three then his mana boost is mostly wasted (unless ariel resists). 1 more purple match and you slow down mana enough to build up proteus again attack with gulli and make deadly purple tile matches.

Its slightly fragile but you do have a pretty good chance of pulling it off. I actually really like the proteus/2 dispeller combo vs ludwig and flanks.

Similar to this although not quite the same defense setup

All that said… im deadly afraid of khufu. And thats before his buff…


I am not a whale! Quite the opposite. But I can beat a lot of top defenses, sometimes on the 2nd or third attempt, but this team scared me! Without Khufus overpowered special, such a setup would not work.

Happy gaming

Unfortunately I dont have c.Sabina.
I am leveling Chakko at the moment, he is slow, but has the same buff prevention like c.Sabina. Need to concentrate on my purple magic troop , but that will need a few months.

Still wrong. It’s not only max limit break. 255≠225≠264

It’s max limit break + going only the left way with emblems (which no one will do 99% of the time)

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indeed SG only use stats of left emblems path for consistency to all heroes

Can’t wait for July 2022 Balance Update! Maybe after the Slayers ‘cash metrics’?

No worries. Only after next tower they will buff gargoyles to very fast + 5 turns no damage and a new team skill which adds 50/75/100% undispellable no damage depending on your number of gargoyles

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SG never ever had a good sense for hero balancing. How can we expect it now. The money drive is accelerating to supersonic speed and we are waiting for the “boom”. Sad…Sader…SG

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Nerf Khufu ! Quickly !