🔵 [Jul 05, 2020] Trials of Serenity – Share & Discuss!

My team this time:

  • Thorne +2
  • Tiburtus +20
  • Dapper Noble Rigard +20
  • Buddy +19
  • Cyprian +18

Sadly, I did not get Falcon (or Jackal) in Guardians last month (:cry:), so I stopped stalling and decided to start giving emblems to Thorne along the attack path, so he’s up two talents from last time. Everyone else is the same.

Still about half asleep when I was playing this morning, so I was really conservative with firing specials. For this reason, Rigard had to heal the team during the mob waves more often than should have been necessary. Other than taking too long, the mobs were unremarkable, and I entered the boss wave with all specials charged and a green diamond on the board. Again, firing Rigard > Buddy > Tiburtus > Thorne really softens those bosses up, and following up with a match-four purple (with a purple 3-stack) right under defense-compromised Lianna is a heck of a head start on finishing the bosses. Thought I might get away without her firing, but she fired with her last little bit of HP (and hit a non-riposted hero, naturally). Still, everyone survived that, and Chao and Richard were not a real threat, either.

As I watched Richard fade away, it dawned on me. This is my best trial team of all of them. Better than my hard hitting Trials of Strength crew. Better than both wizard trials, even with Proteus and Onatel. This team… the one featuring The Mighty Thorne. :laughing: But it is what it is. Results don’t lie. This is three iterations in a row that the bosses have just fallen over for this crew. Hero synergy FTW!

Not enough ranger emblems to take Chao up a talent. Thorne goes to +3 with paladin emblems. Trainer hero goes to Magni. :muscle: