Good morning!!! Just got my 6th set of darts this morning and I need to make a tough decision. The gods have blessed me with some very good yellows.
I have 20-25 of the best 4* in the game all levelled already, so I got all the bases covered (including Wilbur, proteus, etc.)
I have 1 team of 5 star maxed: Zimkitty, Domitia, Richard, Onatel, Evelyn.
My other not maxed 5* are: Kunchen/Hel, Joon/Vivica/Inari/Musashi, Aegir/Frida, Elkanen, Elena/Khagan.
I’m waiting on mats for the other colors to max a second set of 5* rainbow. I’m getting close with the others as well.
So I’m short on fast snipers, Joon will fill that void. I’m also short on 5* healers, so Vivica would fill that void. I’ve compensated by giving emblems to Rigard and Sabina… very useful on raid offense to have a healer.
Thoughts for yellow? I’m leaning Joon.
Bonus question: Thoughts on other colors - I’ll have some other decisions to make in the next few weeks. Kunchen vs Hel? Aegir worth it now? Wait on the others?
Thanks Rockstar! Are you in my head? I had the same reflection as you.
I was thinking perhaps Aegir over Frida given that Aegir would provide me some sort of healing if I pass on Vivica and Kunchen. And Frida can be effective at 3-70 against titans. But I too am not completely sold on Aegir’s buff yet. He’s better, but is he scopes worthy?
Scopes worthy yes but I’d prefer Frida imo. Not sure why as I don’t have either but raiding Aegir isn’t too bad, just annoying.
Healer wise I would rely on Rigard. He is pretty beefy and focus emblems to make him even tougher. I rely heavy on Rigard. Have 1 with emblems and 1 other maxed. May even do a 3rd sometime.
Hel, though kunch is very good you got healing somewhat covered
Richard isn’t a great tank, but Aegir is only slightly better, Aegir is good at titans and so is Frida…tough call. I might lean on Frida as I’m more attack than defense oriented and elemental def down is amazing
The new Khagan is a maybe…I keep thinking emblems on elena would make her good, but mine is still 3-70…I will raise her one day for titans, and then test out the emblem theory
Thanks GC… I’ll ascend Joon first but I won’t wait until June first… OK… that was bad I know… not funny. lol.
I know I should wait for red, wondered if the buffs to elena and khagan made them worthwile. I have 9 rings just sitting there… and I’m not sure waiting for next month’s hero of the month will be much better from what I’ve read.
Thanks everyone for your feedback. I think I’ll wait until Guardians event passes as I’ll do about 20 summons then. I have 2 x TC20 running 24/7. If either of them spew Lianna, Marj or Magni it might change my perspective. I need a fast sniper bad, but in theory it doesn’t have to be yellow.
Just looked up Jackal’s card. Man I need him bad!!!