Joon, Vivica, Inari or Musashi as 2nd yellow after Onatel?

Good morning!!! Just got my 6th set of darts this morning and I need to make a tough decision. The gods have blessed me with some very good yellows.

I have 20-25 of the best 4* in the game all levelled already, so I got all the bases covered (including Wilbur, proteus, etc.)

I have 1 team of 5 star maxed: Zimkitty, Domitia, Richard, Onatel, Evelyn.

My other not maxed 5* are: Kunchen/Hel, Joon/Vivica/Inari/Musashi, Aegir/Frida, Elkanen, Elena/Khagan.

I’m waiting on mats for the other colors to max a second set of 5* rainbow. I’m getting close with the others as well.

So I’m short on fast snipers, Joon will fill that void. I’m also short on 5* healers, so Vivica would fill that void. I’ve compensated by giving emblems to Rigard and Sabina… very useful on raid offense to have a healer.

Thoughts for yellow? I’m leaning Joon.

Bonus question: Thoughts on other colors - I’ll have some other decisions to make in the next few weeks. Kunchen vs Hel? Aegir worth it now? Wait on the others?


I vote Joon. As you mentioned you don’t have snipers.

Hel gets the nod for purple.

Frida for blue. Aegir is worth it but I don’t find him very scary even with the buff just annoying.

Green and Red I would pass on. Elena and Khagan got buffed but not enough to get those hard to come by rings imo. Elk is well Elk.

Use Rigard with Emblems. He is awesome. Kunchen will get mine when I max him (months from now haha)

Most people are short on 5* healers as there aren’t a lot to begin with.

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Thanks Rockstar! Are you in my head? I had the same reflection as you.

I was thinking perhaps Aegir over Frida given that Aegir would provide me some sort of healing if I pass on Vivica and Kunchen. And Frida can be effective at 3-70 against titans. But I too am not completely sold on Aegir’s buff yet. He’s better, but is he scopes worthy?

Thanks again!

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Scopes worthy yes but I’d prefer Frida imo. Not sure why as I don’t have either but raiding Aegir isn’t too bad, just annoying.

Healer wise I would rely on Rigard. He is pretty beefy and focus emblems to make him even tougher. I rely heavy on Rigard. Have 1 with emblems and 1 other maxed. May even do a 3rd sometime.

Thoughts anyone else? Would you all give them to Joon in my situation?

Gave mats a little maybe too soon to Domitia and Richard… although they are useful… don’t want to give mats too hastily this time around.

Joon first (sounds like a date)

Hel, though kunch is very good you got healing somewhat covered

Richard isn’t a great tank, but Aegir is only slightly better, Aegir is good at titans and so is Frida…tough call. I might lean on Frida as I’m more attack than defense oriented and elemental def down is amazing

The new Khagan is a maybe…I keep thinking emblems on elena would make her good, but mine is still 3-70…I will raise her one day for titans, and then test out the emblem theory

Thanks GC… I’ll ascend Joon first but I won’t wait until June first… OK… that was bad I know… not funny. lol.

I know I should wait for red, wondered if the buffs to elena and khagan made them worthwile. I have 9 rings just sitting there… and I’m not sure waiting for next month’s hero of the month will be much better from what I’ve read.

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Nope… but I dream about him a lot, does that count? LOl. I have falcon, evelyn and frida only for elemental debuff.

Yes, I would do Joon next.

I think Hel is awesome. You should level Hel.

Maybe Viv n Kunchen at 3-70 will help out with healers.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I think I’ll wait until Guardians event passes as I’ll do about 20 summons then. I have 2 x TC20 running 24/7. If either of them spew Lianna, Marj or Magni it might change my perspective. I need a fast sniper bad, but in theory it doesn’t have to be yellow.

Just looked up Jackal’s card. Man I need him bad!!!