Joker card

So okay… i like to have white rabbit or …

So let’s introduce the Joker card. You give the card and can get any hero you wish. Even Aiden.

How does it work: You typically give in :slight_smile:

  • 5 telescopes
  • 5 rings
  • 5 Potions
  • 5 clothes
  • 5 darts
  • 5 5 star heroes

You get: 1 joker card. With the jokercard you can get a guaranteed hero. If you play Grimm you put these cards in for Red Hood. If you play atlantis you get the season 1 hero you want…

Better than hero acadamy or both together :smiley:

Sounds nice but it’s close to impossible they introduce it. Everything in this game is heavily based on randomness. Everyone hates RNG and loves it from time to time, but every new concept introduced (titan parts, hero academy, alchemy lab) seems to be RNG-driven…

What @grzechol said Lol. I love the idea! I wish I could be that optimistic :relaxed:

They could RNG this by trading in for a random HOTM.

I like the idea, because of the heavy material cost. I’d put 6 of each plus 3 tomes and 3 d-blades. The high cost outputs some of the non-RNG element.

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If it just gives a hero i don’t have or you don’t have then RNG is not that bad.

I think this is bad enough without RNG

It was a suggestion to make the idea more palatable to SGG. Frankly I think there’s too much RNG in the game too but everything seems to be built around that engine.

I like the idea but the demand of the said items

This is too much for ANY 5* hero. Basically 5 fully ascended heroes for a 5* random hero.

But once again I like the idea and I believe I understand where you are coming from , just seems very difficult to make it work .