Joined before match making, still in spectator mode

Hey there. I joined in an alliance before match making started and I already saw my team on the battlefield. How ever now I am in spectator mode for some reason. Others having same issues? Please fix it… .

Hi, you came in the alliance after the match making and before the preparation, so your team wasn’t included to determine your opponent in war.
You came a bit late so it’s normal.
You will be on the next war.


We had one join early this week, had to sit out the last war, clicked the participation box, set her defense, and is now not on the battlefield. Anyone else see this type thing?

Okay but why did I first see my team on the field and was participating the war?

There is another recent tread where SGG explain it was just visual. Some players who have opted out were on the field too. It was a visual bug and the players weren’t count on the match making.

Well yes but I was opted in. And after preparation started I saw my team, was able to modify it, saw the points for my team everything was normal for couple hours and then all the sudden I was in spectator mode. If I wasn’t counted in I should have been in spectator mode right away?

Does he have a level 12 or above?
Because, there is a minimum level to participate in wars, level 12 if I remember correctly.
In the other case, no idea

Yes she’s eligible. She was on the field today. She set her defense and everything.

Nope, the players who have opted out were in the same case as you, like normal players.
When I see your Pic, for me, you are late but maybe I 'm wrong or maybe SGG has corrected the battlefield after you set your team.

Sorry @GMaximus I can’t help you on this.
Maybe she can contact the support, other players had the same problem on the last war maybe it isn’t totally resolved.

Edit : I opted out for 2 wars 15 days ago and opted in before the next match making and had no issue.

Buenos dias, yo tambirn me encontraba en el campo de batalla y anoche me sacaron de la batalla y me colocaron en FORMA DE ESPECTADOR. No soy muevo en la alianza, ya llevo mucho tiempo en ella

Got the response from support so here is the Update:
“… the time when you joined the alliance in question, their war matchmaking had already started without you. There is an easy way to check when this is happening by following the information on the ‘War’-tab; where it then says 'Matchmaking in progress.”

It’ s not enough to be in alliance before preparation phase, you must be there before the matchmaking process.


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