Join The Swedish Executioners!


We need 20 players to complete our team. Come as you are and play as you do. As long as we respect each other and we have fun. Join us!!!:rose:

Your friendly coplayer


Would you consider a merger into the Guardians Family?

Our alliance Guardians of the Deep is at 19 members. The usual leader (Tin of the North) is also Swedish.

Deep is a casually competitive alliance. The usual rules - hit the titan but let everyone else hit too. Use your flags if you opt into war.

Joining a family has a lot of advantages. Someone else does the recruiting for you. We have a Game Play chat on the Line app with over 200 members. It’s a great place to go to get advice on game strategy or heroes.

If you have any questions, either reply here or message me on the Line app at dulok33.

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Hi Duloc!

Glad to hear from you. : ) We are not really into merging due to a number of factors to be considered. We come into conclusion to retain the team but our doors are open for players seeking for an ally. Thank you very much for the invitation and we wish you and your team a great evening and good luck! :slight_smile:


Scroll the message up. We still have vacant spots…