Join the Holy Wolves 80k team steadily moving up. 1 Spots available 800 Trophy minimum

Holy Wolves are an up and coming alliance that are currently hitting 6 -7* Titans and usually fair well in wars. We enjoy talking about the game and many of us are friends outside the game as well. We would really like new members who are very active and want to learn and develop their teams. Hopefully you will consider us when you are looking for a quality alliance to join and become part of our family. We appreciate your time and hope to hear from you in the very near future. Holy Wolves

UPDATE In our quest to become stronger we have had to cut ties with a couple of players and are therefore looking for 2 new very active members to grow with us.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Holy Wolves seeking 2 players with at least 200 Trophies

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Holy Wolves seeking 2 players with at least 200 Trophies