We are a super friendly alliance with a war record of 45-22 ffa wars best war d. all 14* titans die , we’re looking for max 5 more player as we currently sit at 17 , join us or contact info in banner … Everyone here is super strong and selfless no egos if you think you’d be a great fit or you have a couple friends join Still Here I Guess … we were all on verge of quitting but not facing meta identical war defences and winning more has restored the fun factor since we created this alliance … we do unlock every level in aq , some people leave to do mt but always come back ,and you can merk here… all of us are former top 1-100 team members but are now enjoying playing outside top 100 with no pressure or titan cap hit rules etc …superb environment JOIN US…
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WE got another war victory and someone joined stil looking for about 4 more players join alliance is open
Hey guys, I tried to join the alliance but the Join button isn’t available. I think it’s because of the 3200 cup requirement. I’m at 3000. Can you make some room for me?
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Trophies lowered … after you join we’ll be llooking for about 3 more … most important thing is have fun and you will not be fighting identical meta defences with all c diao tanks last war think we faced only 2…
Now looking for 4 members as another player has retired Join us
Alliance is open join us great atmosphere ,we unlock legendary in AQ , some left to do AQ elsewhere but as usual they’ll rejoin … quiet friendly chat , Join