JOIN CCR - the land of flying cakes

Join the CCR land of flying cakes.

Cosmic Cake Raiders, the land of flying cakes, a top-500 alliance, has a few slots available. Lately, we had a few members who decided to take a break so we have 4 spots available. We are very friendly and we have plenty experienced members.

We are looking for competitive and fun members that will help us grow to a solid top 100 alliance or better. Looking for a fun, active and competitive alliance? Do you fit the below requirements? Contact me.


  • 65k minimum damage average on 10-11* titans
  • 100% war participation
  • 3800 minimum team power
  • 15 minimum maxed 4-star or 5-star heroes
  • Additional 10-15 minimum heroes at level 60 or higher

Ways to contact

  • Contact me via LineID: Alex_mokas
  • Reply here or send me a personal msg

Still available! Join the dark side, we have cakes :crossed_swords: