Jean Francois vs Marjana

I think i should have gone with Marjana :frowning: JF in his current form is just meh. He needs some love. An extra burn or some direct damage like vela. Too bad. His original card was really good.

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Marjana is overated, her damage is slow for a snipe anf dot disapointing, jf is still a good heroe

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Marjana gets a lot better with emblems. Sheā€™s one of the best rogues. JF has too much competition for emblems.

Emblems is not the whole games

Iā€™d go with Grazul. The resistance to status ailments is great in the current meta with all the Velas, Gravemakers and Jean Francoisā€™ out there. I have JF and I use him as an anti-Kunchen, but otherwise heā€™s nothing special. Marjana has a nice high defense stat for a fast sniper, but really needs emblem investment to boost her attack, and there are plenty of other good fast snipers out there.

After 127 TC20 tries, with only a single Vivica (my 5th) and three dupe 4*, it finally paid off with a Khagan and Marjana!

Anyway, that gives me the same dilemma, JF or Marjana I guess Azlar and Khagan could be thrown into the mix as wellā€¦)?

Maxed redsā€“

Red Hood

Wilbur x2
BT x2

Other snipers are Kingston, Seshat x2, Grimm and Jackal both +20. Magni is at 3/70 while I decide what to do with my scopes (but thatā€™s a different question) and I have Vela for DoT.

Right now Jackal +20 and Inari +6 have my rogue emblems, so maybe could take them from Inari. Proteus +20 and Guinivere +9 have my wizard emblems, so they are not going anywhere.


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Went JF. Should have gone for Marj. Heā€™s ok but needs an extra turn with dot or some direct damage. Now iā€™m torn between marj and tyr. But i think i will go with her when a get the rings. I think sheā€™s solid for defence and i got a lot of emblems waiting for her. I vote for Marj :slight_smile:

Thanks, great to have your perspective. Marj is at 69 and one 2* feeder away, and I will take her up instead of JF. :slight_smile:

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Depends on the attackplan.

I use JF on 3 70 and will max him asap.

His blue def up can be important dealing with finley and vela.
His defense swap can be used, but I see it as a fun addition. Not very often that this really helped me out.
Damage is okay, he is more like a good preparer, as he brings all enemies down a decent amount.

Dont undererstimate his 10% critical hit. That can really be a gamechanger to have red tiles hit critical on a blue enemy, as it makes 3 times the ā€œnormal weak damageā€, not only doubles up, as many would think.

You do need either more AOE hitters with JF (i use elena and azlar and even the overwriting burn doesnt bother me) OR good snipers to tsle down the jeanfrancoise-prepares-low-HP-enemies.

I understand JF has his uses. But you also have to take in consideration the use of emblems. JF has a lot of competition, Marjana not that much. Plus, sheā€™s a rogue and that dodge is a pain imo. I truly hate it.

For me, a Marj on the wing is more dangerous than JF on any position. Go attack route for her with emblems and she will shine. I am at 5 rings right now. Soon she will be going all the way (if i donā€™t change my mind and go for Tyr :)))) )

And donā€™t get me wrong, i actually enjoy playing with JF. I donā€™t consider him useless, not by far. But he just needs a bit more power imo. Besides, i need a fast red for my defence team, and, as i said, Marj is better suited for that position.

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I will most likely take the emblems from Inari, as her special already dodges. that would put Marj at node 8, which should boost her attack nicely.

Yes, rogue dodges can be painful.

For that reason i will not give any 5 star rogue emblems.

I better have scarlett and two brynhilds on 20 talents and 20% dodge, than having just one good marjanna.
This helps me much more in alliance wars.

But yes, marjanna with 19 talents does hit quite fair.

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Well, I have Jackal at 20 and Brynhild at 12, I think the ones on Inari can be fine on Marj. :slight_smile:

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