At this point I am starting to think SGG has something against people making calendars.
Lucky for them, they do not include non-playable events in their own calendar with the exception of Soul Exchange. Yet, the Tavern of Legends we have right now is still missing in their official January 2024 calendar
Unlucky for us that we do…
Wow, indeed.
I have sent them a mesage about it.
Hmm, I have two of the featured heros in that Covenant list. knowing my luck…
soon, they’ll have you needing to check daily
another of the things related to this game that is rapidly escalating
I think it is already happening…
Our Oracle is constantly work on every working day.
Thank you as always helps a lot
I have none, and with my luck I’ll either get none of featured ones, or I’ll get Jett whom I want the least. Indeed last time I got something from Covenant portal it was one with Tenebrae and guess who I got?
I have updated my calendars to reflect the additions of ascension and aether summons on the 20th and 27th respectively, Covenant Summon starting the 16th, and Legendary Troop Summon starting on the 21st.
Thank you to you and other calendar makers for putting up with Zynga’s ineffectual organisational skills.
They do look like a bunch of panic stricken chickens running around clucking loudly, hastily putting together stuff, then fixing bugs and omissions.
All they have to do is sit down, work out a plan for next 28 to 56 days. Then just keep to set deadlines. Suffer a bit in the beginning and coast when the intended work rhythm sets in.
It’s pretty obvious by now that TT needs money real bad. To that end the usual non event portals are a given:
• Aether portal : twice monthly. Fix it for Week 1 and Week 3
• Ascension portal : twice monthly. Fix it for Week 2 and Week 4
• Legendary Troop Portal : at least once every 3 to 4 weeks. Fix it for Week 1
• Covenant Portal : at least monthly. Fix it for Week 1 and Week 3
• Pick Up Summons : at least twice monthly. Fix it for Week 2 and Week 4
It’s that simple.
This is a wonderful idea and would make life much easier for calendar editors.
Calendar update:
Staff have added last week’s Tavern, and cancelled the W3K at the end of the month.
Hmmm incoming update to W3K?? Let’s see what may come to beta. Even though they still have some new heroes to release for this event.
The Journey Heroes are meant for their own event I think. They were just piggy-backing on Wo3K.
Either that or a rotation change for Mythic Titan - Wo3K.
It’s been a while since Untold Tales : Atlantis ended. Time for a new Untold Tales?
Deadly mode is still pending…
any guesses about it? and last introduced hero will be in game form Untold Tales i think too and hope it will deadly part be opened with some LB materials added with coins in rewards
I’d say it was cancelled due to technical issues.
Even if there was a big upgrade, no reason to have this WTK as it is.
They have a new hero, why not.
New legendary troops messing up the rankings?
They causing some “issues” to normal Wars too: