πŸ”΅ [Jan 8, 2020] Trials of Mysticism Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

My Team Last Time

My Team This Time

The Battle

Double Proteus, so :man_shrugging:

Two Minor Healing Potions during a slow start, but no items after the first Wave.

Second Proteus got slashed to death the very last turn before I finished off the Bosses. They never fired once.

Shiny New Emblems

Wizard: Balthazar stepped up to +3. The rest are queuing up for Ulmer.

Sorcerer: a mix of my existing inventory plus the new ones brought both Gill-Ra and Chochin from +0 to +3.

All Purple

In keeping with the dark themed team and Emblem recipients, Rigard number 4 got the Trainer Hero.