[Jan 20, 2019] Trials of fortitude teams

I’m not seeing how these were that difficult…

My main account was a breeze…

Viv, Zim, Hansel, Boril, Rigard

My lower alt account was harder but finished all 3, with a trio of 3 stars.

Kailani, Brienne, Hawkmoon, Rigard, Caedmon

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Hansel. There’s your answer

Many of us simply don’t have him :joy:

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I beg to differ… No gems… Healing pots amd time stops.

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I may have misunderstood you a bit there-I thought by “production” you meant food and iron. If you meant other mats needed for forging, part of why I don’t run out is knowing where to farm whatever your low on and part is I have yet to use anything but the small to medium health/mana potions, bear banners, and arrows on Atlantis. Full disclosure though: if I were ever to be concerned about being ready for Any event/trial/challenge Atlantis can wait. I’m not trying to rush through it and be twiddling my thumbs waiting on another season (for a year or more) anyway, which is partially why I’m only in the 4th province on Hard. That and, particularly with all the stuff we’ve had to do in the last 6 weeks, WE is a much bigger concern than crafting mats, to me. I’m going to hit up 8-7 as much as needed to keep my camps running, when I can spare the WE, I knock out a couple more areas of Atlantis. That may be where the confusion is, idk.

Well, you only do this for the class combinations you can’t handle yet.

And if you can’t handle any of them… well, then it’s not your time to do them yet.

Trial of Fortitude called upon classes that have the tendency to prolong wars. With finite amount of resources, this may go either way, fortunately there is no time limit to the trials, so with some careful planning, it’s doable, if you take the right party along and systematically take out those that are important.

I used
4^70 Caedmon
4^15ish Rigard
3^60 Boril
3^50 Brienne
4^70 Melendor

The positioning is obviously to protect and utilize Riposte on the two heroes with the lowest defense (including himself) for maximum damage output. Because of the lack of heroes in these two classes for me (non-existent from lack of any event/seasonal/hotm heroes), this is the most number of healers I’ve ever brought to a battle, even if its cause is situational. Opted to bring in Caedmon because I needed fast sniper, Boril is for the counter damage for himself, Rigard, and Brienne. Rigard is not optimal, but is there for extra heal plus cleanse (for Horgall’s damage debuff), I did not bring Hawkmoon as it turns out her damage on tiles would only help with Horgall, but weak against A.I. Boril. Also didn’t bring Melia as I was not sure how much I could count on the Crit+ chance would help.

I was not overly concerned with Horgall. My primary goal was to take out Boril first because of Riposte. Vivica is the catalyst of course. So working the boards a bit prior to the boss wave to make sure I had some Green on the board. Because of Brienne’s Berserker’s Fury, I was able to fire off Caedmon’s special off to Vivica, using the Green tiles to take out Boril, and using the recharged Caedmon to fire off the second one on Vivica again. Horgall did manage to fire off his special once, but since it’s AOE, and only damage debuff, I had Rigard / Antidote to off set. So in the end, I was able to take out Boril first before he fires off his special. I am fairly certain if I let Vivica fire off her special, I might have a longer fight than it needs to be (I will still eventually win). So I had an extra set of bombs and dragon attack I just ended up taking both of them out at the same time.

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Same here!! Caedmon at 3-60 was my only character that can attack.

You know? It’s kind of like legendary final stage of events… Can I handle it without heavy battle items? No! Can I nuke the bosses? Yes! Do I want the ascension mat? Yes! Now, I know that unfarmable is worth nuking the bosses and I’ll do it any day of the week, regardless of “my time” being or not at hand.
It’s the same with the class quests… my team can beat the bosses… or not… doesn’t really matter. As long as my team can bring me to the bosses, I can nuke them into oblivion, to get the emblems… My question was pretty simple. Are the emblems worth a full load of nukes or not?

To me it is… I have very few 5* at all… So getting my 4s to a higher level as it were is important and appealsto me at least.

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Good point there!

20 chr…

He was my only shooter. Its doable. Heath pots to keep alive during mobs and time stops to slow bosses. I had no direct damage items to use… So had to make do. Twas a grind, but very doable.

Gee, I wish I had Caed, still waiting for his arrival by teleportation to my TC20

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The way I see it, every little bit of strength makes you use less items next time.
So, nuke bosses this time and do them easier next time.

And regarding where to spend one’s items…
It’s up to a player to decide which things to go for first.
Don’t think there is a universal decision, but if someone forced me to make a decision, I’d probably go for stuff that gives ascension mats first.


My only shooter too but I had the benefit of items to just wipe them out.

Good for me though is that the two toughest combos are already complete! The next challenges will be much easier.

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Ah, Caedmon, the most interesting man in the E&P World. RNG does work in strange ways don’t they?

I remembered my copy of Caedmon was pulled a few months ago from my TC13, then proceeded to get him at least 3 more times when I migrated to TC20. TC20 has yet to give me a 5* Yellow and would like that to Vivica if possible, so there is always that to look forward to.

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Caed is good. Maxed Meila was my only hero who could attack. Had to bomb the bosses to oblivion to make it through

I do all the rare quests and I find legendary challenge event worthwhile because of unfarmable* ascencion mats and gold token.

Different people, different priorities. :smile:


Rigard and Haensel are the key there and I assume you used some mats. :slight_smile:

I see………I dont farm a lot except 7.4 to fill my chests. :slight_smile:

Just yesterday I finished the available Atlantis hard regions using small mana and health potions and maybe 1 dragon attack every 10 hard fights.

I am constantly low on dragon bones, midnight roots and the gold nugget you need for tornados. :thinking:
Maybe I should farm more…….

But somehow I dont have the WE to farm a lot.

By the way. Where do you farm your dragon bones ?

Honestly, I haven’t had to. I think, while waiting to be able to use them, I built up a nice stockpile of em and now from farming (mostly 1.8.7 or anywhere in 1st province seas2 on hard for packs) I get enough to not need to farm specifically for that stuff. Got about 150 dragon bones, and over 250 meteor frags and orich nuggets. If I’m short on anything it’s either iron ores or grimoire dust and they’re pretty prevalent anyway so I just slow down my use of them a bit. Think I heard province 10 in seas 2 for dragon bones but thats what the game tells you anyway when you touch one.
Yeah I farm alot for now bcuz I like having a big stock of recruits built up in the camps for when I wanna “speed level” a hero. Level 2 and 19 training can really water through em fast.