[Jan 20, 2019] Trials of fortitude teams

with 3 Rigards (1 at max) Vivica (almost at max) and Boril it was a walk in the park… even with dragon attacks, bombs, and axe attacks…

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I am excited to get 4*+15 or +19 Druid Melendor because he is a green 4* glass cannon ( works well with 4*+19 Wu Kong ) that will be helped with the extra HP of talent grid and minions.

Melendor’s 42% heal also scales with 4*+19, or 5* 4.80, heroes unlike green 4*+19 Gadeirus’ Heal Over Time.



Hello, I’ve finished the quest with:
-2 Rigard


Depends on where the gaps are in your roster. For example, I have very few Rogues, Wizards, and Sorcerors available, so I’m planning to carpet-bomb the Trials of Mysticism and Trials of Shadows. During the other 8 quests, I can restock.

If you need to use a bunch of items for every trial, though, then yes that wouldn’t be sustainable.

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Hansel was very helpful in this Trial. Mana control for the win.


Double reds with attack boost From Zim made it rather easy with this team only uaing potions axes and arrows! Caedmon and Melendor to keep Vivica and Boril’s buffs under control at all time.

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I used Zim, 2x Caedmon, Hansel and Rigard. Hansel was particularly helpful in this setup, Vivica can be really annoying on that last stage.


I used Rigard, Hawkmoon, boril (3-60), zim (2-0) and gafar.

Hawkmoon and Zim were definitely too squishy for the boss round, but we squeaked through. I really wish I had other Druids. Gafar’s anti-heal was nice, but Hansel would have been awesome :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize my hero’s were so inadequate until this one. I thought I had to use fully leveled hero’s so only fought with three the first two times. Had my butt handed to me lol! But then I realized I could add others that weren’t fully ascended. Even then, it made for a weak and sorry team but I did it. Of course I had to use dragon attacks, arrows, and axes :slight_smile:

I am so glad now that I have maxed two copies of him. Team of Rigard-Hansel-Zimkitha-Hansel-Melendor made this trial a piece of cake.


Got through with vivica, hansel, caedmon, kadilen and gafar. Used mana potions an some arrows and dragons.

I used 2 Rigards, Boril, Caedmon, and Gadeirus; all are maxed except Boril at 3/60. Used a few items on the last stage, but really no serious problems.
Used the emblems on Caedmon (shortage of fast green hitters, don’t have Lianna yet) and one of my Rigards (shortage of non-slow 5* healers).
Looking forward to Trials of Shadows and Survival so I can use some emblems on Guardian Jackal.

i’ve just did and recorded it. not my best heroes and it was almost a lose but i did it:
doing it with 1 or 2* items and free heroes:


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Managed to clear the second stage with:

Can’t imagine how I would have done it without Mnesseus


Did all 3 stages in 14 minutes. It was pretty fun, hope the next one is harder


I’ve managed to beat the last stage with:
Belith (3.50) - Kailani (3.50) - Zim (4.80) -Gadeirus (3.60) - Caedmon (4.70)

Used axes (x5), bombs (x5) and dragons (x4)

Each trial is different. If you do not have the right heroes yet to beat the bosses it’s a bandaid solution for that trial.


If you are having issues completing the Trial quests treat it like a Challenge event. I know you picking 5 heroes can be a tall task in itself but as long as you can make it to the boss try this. Make sure all heroes are capped off on mana before you start the boss fight. Then load up on arrows, axes, bombs, dragons and then go to town on the boss(es).

Managed to finish it too but it was expensive. Didn’t want to risk Vivica healing* her way back so used the last bomb attack

It’s times like these when I wish I could call upon Magni’s services

*or drinking rather. @FishDreams


to beat this stage with no items I ran hansel caedmon alby viv and boril. KEEP hitting viv with hansel special so she cant heal, keep boril special up right before horghall goes off to send the damage back at him and keep shooting horghall with caedmon to knock of borils reflect take boril out first.

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