Jabberwocky - 600% Damage Against Titans?

Anyone else know how Jabberwocky’s special works on titans?

From the description, if there’s only one enemy alive his special will do 600% damage.

So, at 743 attack that’s a base damage of 4,458 each time he fires on a titan.

Add in some defence downs and attack up boosts and you could easily hit for over 20K as soon as the fight starts just by using a few mana pots before you even fire a tile?

I think he will, but definitely not 20k :wink: Titan always has some defense value, even if he has debuffs on himself and there’s also soft cap on maximum damage. I’d say he could make close to 1500 dmg, but not more. Actually, I’m going to level up Jabberwock, probably max him too, so I’m going to try him on titans and then we’ll see.

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If this was right, Lianna wouldn’t be too far behind 729 attack and 512% damage… I don’t think Lianna deals anywhere close to that kind of damage…


I think you cannot just multiply the attack stat by 6. You have to take the target’s defense in account.


Unfortunately, that’s not how the damage calculation works. Depending on the star level, titans have quite a high amount of defense, so once you take that into consideration you can calculate what the actual damage will be. :slight_smile:

Here are relevant posts that you might like. :slight_smile:



Fun fact: In the original Dragon Ball manga Vegeta said “It’s over 8000”, but it didn’t have the same ring as 9000, so they changed it in the anime. So his scouter got a buff. :rofl:


Since I don’t want to do math…and you enjoy it…

Can you tell me how much damage Jabberwock will do?

Is it 2 hits of 300% or 1 hit of 600%…what’s the difference…what is the meaning of life…etc.


Oh the days of reading BP on Scouters (one of the coolest devices, especially the sound they made).
Vegeta when first arrived on Earth was 18000, if I remembered correctly.


It is difficult to answer this question without actually knowing what level of titan the OP is hitting. But I will just give an example of my own.

From my calculations, I have seen that the defense stat of an 8* titan is usually around 700. So let’s assume that for our case. Also, lets assume that we put a level 10 mana troop on Jabberwocky, so the troop attack boost is 20%.

Given this scenario and his stats, the damage caused by him on the titan will be:

100×((743×1.2×6)÷700)^1.35 = 1557

Comparing under same circumstances, Lianna will do a damage of:

100×((729×1.2×5.12)÷700)^1.35 = 1225

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:


This isn’t quite right, though:

So it should actually be:

2x100×((743×1.2×3)÷700)^1.35 = 1222

…which is basically the same as Lianna.




Thanks for the clarification. From the OPs post I just assumed that he hits for double damage when only one enemy is present. I should have reviewed the hero card more before posting. I apologize for any confusion. Your calculation is absolutely correct. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t3:


So slapped twice:

And not once:


Can somebody give cliffs notes here, is Jabba a yellow titan boss or not?

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Jabberwocky hits like Lianna against Yellow titans…in theory.


Better than Sartana, thanks to his higher atk as well.

But not a gamechanger like Panther.


Lianna plus some poison damage though? Or total special dmg is like Lianna?

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Lianna plus the poison damage, although for a titan that is negligible. :slight_smile:


How much would the elemental defense down plus general defense down enhance the damage by? Say we are hitting 6 star titans?