Is Vanda better than Grave maker?

I am in the process of leveling Vanda (4/58) and have found myself taking her on raids over my GM+18 and would like to hear from other players that have both fully ascended.

I tend to attack mostly rainbow or 2-1-1-1. I also realize every raid is different depending on who you face.

I would like to know where you have had success/failures using Vanda over GM. Raids? Raid Defense? Titans? Etc?

My raid defense is Skadi, GM, Telly, Odin, Sartana. The only cleansers that I have are CRigard and Snow, so that could be why I am enjoying using her. I found the status block and healing steal , at vf mana, to be invaluable lately.

Just curious how the other Vanda owners feel she is excelling, TYIA for all your input.

Not sure on offense but I know Vanda worries me a helluva lot more than GM on defense.

Great options you have!


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Think they’re too different to compare, besides both are amazing.

For huge DOT damage, Nature heroes specialist killer: Gravemaker

Anti-ailments, Alfrike/Kuncher/C.Vivica killer: Vanda


Valid points on both, I am debating swapping out on D once leveled and emblemed. I have about 1100 waiting for her if she goes on D, I will split with her and Almur if she is strictly attacking.