Is this allowed- Gem scam

It’s no biggie. A lot of games have people that do this; it always leads to a website where you have to complete offers to get the supposed reward. You never do get it though and the person on the site gets a kickback for the offers you completed. Sometimes even just for clicking on the link. Games that have an in-game chat and have a decent amount of players always have this sort of thing in them.

Actually this is a big deal. Staff is actively working to stop this, so the continuing updates are welcome.

Be warned that if you do buy gems from a third party, you are likely to wake up some day to a big negative gem balance. Just ignore these offers.

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The link referenced above doesn’t get anyone anywhere with either purchasing or receiving gems for free from a third party. If you are talking about ‘cheap’ gems sellers, then yes those are a big deal that impact the game’s economy as well as the bottom line for Small Giant.

Jst now

Been reporting these Aswell as updating here, it’s the same code now as a wk ago, they jst change the name tht post under, and have took out the 1st 50 peopel, to be 50 people

image here’s another one just posted