I used by mistake a hero fully leveled to feed an other hero. Is there a way to recover it ?
Unfortunately not sorry.
Please lock in all the heroes that you want to keep in order to stop the same mistake happening again.
Yeah accidentaly unlocked the hero, didn’t saw it and give as food. Pfff…
Thank you for your answer
The best tonic is poetry
Golly, I think I remember that tale of tragedy… The truth is, if it had been me I would have cried real tears; a mobile device may have become collateral damage.
We have all done it at least once! That’s why I keep a copy of every hero I use and some that I don’t use. I also make sure to lock all 3*, 4* and 5* heros I get during summoning events until I can assess what to do with them at a later time.
I make an exception for Renfeld and Ulmer without fail. I don’t think I even possess a Renfeld.
Yes, there is. Just summon aplenty and once you get that hero again, level that hero previously lost. And next time, lock that hero.
i think opening a support ticket will help SG recovering the hero
Sure, you can just restore it, and voila, he is back to your roster. All u need to do is just click “undo” button.
If u can’t find the undo button, just purchase the undo button for only $3,499 (and u also get 300 gems bonus)
Sorry, but I think you’re wrong.
@jiji I always lock all my 4* and 5* heroes as soon as I get them (as long as I don’t have too many dupes of them already), as well as 3* heroes that I don’t have yet or might want to keep dupes of. If space in your roster gets tight and you don’t have the 200 gems available for an expansion, you can go through and review which ones you can do without, then unlock them and feed them to the others.
That strategy has worked well for me.
SG do not recover fed away heroes, which I know from personal experience
C. Renfeld is a mini onatel and far less useless. Might be worth levelling one in case you get the costume!
Thanks for the tip.
20 thanks actually…
That’s actually a pretty generous offer, the gems are just some decorative tidbits imo.
If there’s something I learnt after 2 years, is that I should keep at least one copy of every hero in the game. Because buffs, because costumes, because anything.
Of course I refer to 3* and higher. Aife’s angry eyes scare me.
No… not me… and never please…
@JonahTheBard have you got another Lianna?
@yelnats_24, thank you for asking, why, yes I do
Another painful reminder about my Isarnia.
You went before your time, I’ll never forget you.
Not the stupid Brand I fed you to…
Totally agree. C.Renfeld is a beast when used correctly.