Curious to see what the forum thinks. I’m on level 28 and can make it through the first 2 stages of all class trails with ease. I’m working on getting my teams ready for the third stage once I hit level 30.
For Serenity I have:
and for Justice:
Wu Kong
Friar Tuck
Gan Ju
I know Counterattack doesn’t work well with Spirit link so I’m kinda thinking that she would be good to have around, particularly for the boss round of Justice.
I have Prisca maxed because I needed a three-star purple for my event team, and she was the one I kept getting duplicates of (faster leveling and special increase). Even at max level, she hits like a wet noodle. I’m planning to go back and level Tyrum just so I feel like I have a decent option. I know what you mean about spirit link and perfect riposte not pairing well, but my impression of Prisca is that she’s just awful. I can’t imagine she would do enough damage to make a big difference. Just my 2 cents.
I feel the same about Greymane. I maxed him for trails and now I kinda hate him. These self healers just don’t seem to do much damage. When I see them on raid defense teams I don’t worry about them one bit.
100% agree about Graymane. I maxed him when my only healer was Friar Tuck thinking I could stash Graymane on the far right or left and let him heal himself while Tuck healed those nearby. Plus, he’s a werewolf, which is cool. But yeah, he’s also terrible. I used him in class trials until I recently got Skittleskull and Ameonna and maxed Jahangir, so I have way better sorcerer options now. He still hangs around on my worst war teams, but I’m thinking about when to eat him. Hurts to lose all that XP that I used maxing him way back when, but he’s mostly just decorating my bench right now.
You will have better chance to finish the last stage if you bring him to 3/60. Keep in mind that with the recent update, the last stage is getting harder. I have doubt that I can complete it once again with my old team. While full carpet bombing is enough to kill all the bosses, I found myself can’t reach the boss wave without using somr axe/bomb on the monsters, the remaining carpet bombing item might not be enough as they increase the bosses HP in the new version. This trial is hard because no healer in paladin/ranger class other than Red Hood.
As the monsters’s element in Trials of Serenity are nature and ice, having duplicate Berden will be better than Prisca.
One other consideration is that right now my purples are Cyprian, Balthazar, Tyrum and Layla. Would it be worth levelling Prisca to have 4 purples with Wu on yellow titans? Right now I would probably bring 3 and either Scarlett or Valen.
Prisca have low attack stat, hero of different color might be better, especially if it have defense debuff like Valen (-34% defense in titan will increase your damage around 50% higher).
Trials of Serenity will be back at 7th April and 12th May. If you can’t reach level 30 by 7th April, it might be better to wait on better heroes such as Tiburtus for the next trials than leveling Prisca.
Thanks @Rook. I have Mariamne’s Classes and Quests bookmarked. Original post has all the heroes I have available for Serenity and Justice. I’m levelling Cyprian right now but other than him don’t have nay other purples to level up.
I have found it extremely difficult to complete the last stage of ANY trial with a three star hero on the field. Sure, I could probably add one to my strongest trial team (whatever that is), but they’d almost certainly die, and they likely wouldn’t be adding much before doing so / I’d have to devote a lot of resources and attention to managing their health. Even if I succeeded, it’d clearly be because of the rest of the team and have very little to do with whatever my three star hero brings to the table (I’m not sure any three star hero has a game changing skill the way that Wilbur can be justified in five star teams).
This is even more true after the version 20 update.
Item Usage
To underscore this point, look at the item usage @yelnats_24 posted - you’re not relying on the heroes much at that point, which corroborates my point - the three star heroes aren’t going to ‘win’ that third stage. But yes, they may be just tough enough that your items can win it for you.
Prisca’s Opportunity Cost
Prisca may or may not be better than your other purple options / three star options. But even if she is, this would clearly be an incremental improvement, at best. Not enough to overcome the fact that three star heroes just have a ceiling, period. I mean, it’s not like you could do this trial with whatever team plus a maxed Prisca if you couldn’t do it with the same team plus Tyrum.
And I do think you have better purple and three star options. That makes Prisca very unappealing in my eyes (which see a very intense brunette Sansa Stark). I’d favor giving those purple resources to Cyprian, and I think probably literally all of the three star heroes you list in your post are better. Basically I’m never giving Prisca a spot in these trials or titans / raids (when you stack purple I prefer Tyrum).
A Different Question
As we discussed in a different thread, I think the question is, what is this hero’s role and how good are they at it / are they better than whoever I already have in that role?
Currently, I’m contemplating Prisca’s value as a tank in raid tournaments restricted to three star heroes and where holy heroes are disallowed. It’s really more a thought experiment than anything else, as I don’t have a copy and see that as a narrow usage (even if the answer is yes, she IS the best option in that situation) that I can’t imagine justifying the resources for my roster.
I see “Prisca for class quests” materialising in the case where shortage of heroes means you can’t do the second stage without leveling her. But that unusual scenario would only occur one time. That’s a lot of XP down the drain for 12 emblems.