I pulled Jequn recently. I wanted him back in the day. I believe he took a nerf, and he’s older now. Is he still relevant enough to level? I like his family, but I’m not sure, given his age, if I should expend resources investing in him. Thank you for answering my question!!!
Looks more like a buff.
But this only matters in relation to what else you have. I don’t think anyone is chasing Jequn. Many better heroes have been released.
Wasn’t jequn in soul exchange recently? I think some people took him… I presume they are leveling them… Maybe ask in the se thread.
He’s a very fast hitter that gives different kinds of ailments to the opponents. Not a hard hitter, more like a slasher. I once had him on my Holy mono team, but Shaal, Lemonwood, and costumed Leonidas, have pushed Jequn to the bench. If you don’t have much in the way of heavy hitters, he is still very relevant to your team. But if you have the newer, harder hitting heroes with insane stats, he may not be useful.
Jequn used to be a decent pick against dark mono because of his ability to blind them at v fast speed
Just depend on your team, he is very fast and have unique skill, however his stats are not able to compare with new released hero. I have him lb 1 and still use against war opponent with TP around 6k, of course i dont use him to fight with taunt hero.
The costumes that players are most likely to gain come from costume chamber. Unless Jequen would comfortably get into your top 30 heroes (if war is important to you) it may be better to level S1 yellow 5 *s to at least 3/70 and level up 2 and 4 *s as well. Otherwise the best thing is often just to level up the best you’ve got.
Thank you all for the advice. He still seems like he has some value, and I will take him to 3-70, but right now, I’ve shifted my priorities to 2XLB Firmin Richard, and I just pulled Violet Potts and Vanya. After Richard, I’m speed leveling Vanya. Violet, I’m not so sure of yet. Again, thank you for your input. I can always depend on these forums to get good, serious advice. Finally, sorry I was wrong about the nerf. I guess Jequn got buffed. He’s still not as strong, stats-wise, as other, newer heroes I have to work on.