Is it just me or chests in Platinum Area are easier to filled and more rewarding in Diamond Area?

To an unnoticeable degree.
There are 4* mats in platinum too.

Just lock this down:

  • 40 dead enemy to open a raid chest
  • 6 raid flags = 35 gah… oh the humanity…
  • 6 raid flags = 30 potential dead enemy


Do you want to open 2 raid chest a day?
3 if you push it.

Or go to diamond where you may have multiple flags harvest 1 or 2 enemies before defeat, and open a single chest every other day?

I too stayed in platinum during my first year.
It drove my alliance leader bonkers!
But I wound up vaulting past him for efficiency of opening chests.

Not to mention, as a “VC2P”, you may find you like the variety more enjoyable. Diamond has become somewhat droll this past year or so.
Anyone regularly pulling dupe hotm will not have the same experience as you when combating the saturations.

Just kick back, have more fun. And open more chests while your at it!

After your roster develops and lower diamond transforms 6 raid flags into 30/40.
You can go be bored with the big spenders :wink:


Counterpoint: Doing a minimum of 16 raids a day (and more likely 20+) sounds… awful to me.

I mean, sure, if you love love love love LOVE love raiding that much (and/or you’ve sold your soul to some undisclosed entity for amazing luck in tourneys), I suppose you could open nearly two raid chests a day, but to me it sounds like spending patience in order to experience increased frustration and/or boredom toward the end of…accelerating disappointment.

If I can be bothered to fill one raid chest every day, wheeeeeeee


I’m in the sweet spot where I can stay comfortably in low Diamond, but I actively try to set a subpar defense and lose some raids (When there’s no raid chest open) to make sure I don’t go far above 2550 cups…

Raided up to 2800 a few times, and regretted it sorely.


Curious - loot aside, if you don’t enjoy raiding what aspects of the game do you enjoy?

I personally find almost everything in this game tedious apart from raiding/tournies/raiding. Luckily for me those still provide plenty of enjoyment and challenge.

Loot and the feeling of advancement kind of are a reason to play.

Raiding is terrible for loot and a constant reminder that I’m perpetually in retrograde compared to, basically, everyone, so I don’t enjoy it.

I don’t particularly like that pretty much every event in the game is a “competition” that seems designed to remind me LOOK HOW MUCH FURTHER BEHIND YOU ARE FALLING WHY AREN’T YOU SPENDING MONEYYYYYYYYYYYY

I like at least having a chance to feel like I can earn something new (or at least steadily accrue resources to improve what I have) though pulling a new 5* hero anymore pretty much feels like pulling hens’ teeth from a stone on Mars.

Frankly, there are a lot things about this game that are making me feel increasingly burned out on it, so spending time and effort on one of the least rewarding aspects seems like an especially poor use of what is supposed to be my leisure time.

Roughly 3 weeks after the last one. Note i open 2 to 3 a day