Is Isarnia too powerful?

Great suggestion. Many thanks

Like many of the slow heroes, when they hit - they hit hard. Honestly when raiding she is dead 95% of the time before getting her special off though.

As others have said. She has low defense and is slow mana. Pretty easy to wipe her out before she gets a chance.

If Jackal is a glass cannon, Elsa is a glass nuke


I agree u need a fast sniper example sartana or Natalya shoot and forget !!!

Costumed is 4 turns.

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You realize that you you bumped a one year old discussion to present information that wasn’t available at the time?


Is his/her first time posting, we can cut him/her some slack no?. :rofl:

The internet world need more necromancers like this, way to many just try to lit fires instead.


Whoops, didn’t see that lol! Yeah, understandable that they wouldn’t have noticed.

anybody still think isarnia is op one year later?

No… it’s kind of a fun read though. lol.