Is Elena still IT-girl?

My junior account seems to be collecting Elenas here and there. Third one just popped up with challenge coins. I’m not a fan of reposters, even 4*s are left 3/60 as they serve me well enough there. But third Elena feels like someone is trying to tell me something…

I know she was (is?) well liked by many and good for events and titans where you can pass her slowness with mana potions. Tell me how do you see her role today with all those super duper fast multi skilled “modern” heroes?


Cover girl should be leveled up.


Her use is mainly her insane tile damage against Titans and when stacking in War. Those are the only times mine sees action

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Can’t say i dislike her :face_with_monocle:


I would love to give my Elena rings. But that is the one material that appears the least for me. And now she may wait further as I got captain kestrel. Need to play with him more but I can see him getting rings. Dang pirate!

Elena, cutest chick in the game