Is Award luckyness in tournament depended from closer to 1st place inside the top 1%

Hello puzzlmen… I noticed a connection that the closer to 1st place, the luckier the reward, even in 1 percent …is it true? Who knows?


no it is not.

a couple of times i ended up in top 100 without anything good (silver tokens, no 4* material and no 5* Aethers)


No, it’s not. It’s just your brain trying to trick you by looking for a pattern although it’s completely random.

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Cargo Cult Science at its best!

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I don’t know if you are talking about OP’s statement or mine.
Either way, did anyone run an analysis with thousands of samples of rewards from the same loot tiers?

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YES I mean the same tier…

Yea of course, no one denied that…

Random chance

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Wow so big award)) i think it was some mistake

Totally random, everything is rng.

I was 1st once and my rewards were abysmal, so no.

I even tend to get better rewards at lower tiers so it’s rng and the answer to your question is NO