I’ve posted below a series of pictures that show my whole roster. (sorted by power, not prioritizing teams) I haven’t leveled everyone up yet, but I’m working on it.
I just don’t know who among my C2P crowd is worth investing in, if anyone.
If I had to guess, Cleopatra is probably worth it (that is, she is unlikely to be less than great for a long time). But…I am hoping some people who play this game much more than I (and who have much more insight due to their familiarity with all the heroes) can provide insight.
After uploading all that, now I want E&P to have an “Export my roster” button that connects to our forum profile. That would be an amazing feature to add that doesn’t seem like it’d be THAT hard to do…
First of all: Probably I wouldn´t do a 5er in your case. Maybe better do some of the strong 4 and 3 stars.
If you absolutely want a 5er:
Healers don´t seem like a good idea in general, all they gain is extra survivability, which usually is not their problem, if you already have them def/HP emblemed and LB1. If you have a healer that then still dies first in your lineup, you might have a candidate for LB2, but that is highly unlikely as you have few LB heroes to start with. Cleo is most certainly already your sturdiest hero, seems a complete waste to increase her def/HP stats.
heroes to look for:
heroes on your defense lineup (if Cleo is your tank you might have a point there)
damage heroes, as they don´t only benefit from more survivability which can be their weak spot (usually they are attack emblemed), but also an increased attack stat will increase the damage they do.
Ideally you find a hero that is both: a hitter on your def team.
Individual heroes that I would find interesting: C2Magni, Milena, R&N, Neith, Khepri
But as I said I would not go for a 5er at all. Azmia (if tank), Junaid, Li Xiu, Treevil, Shrubbear, Faiez (if you use them in rush wars), also Dawn
Thank you; this is a great reply that helps me think through it all much more clearly.
I kept looking at it myself and thinking “Sheesh it feels like I should be doing 3/4*s…But WHO?!”
Also, you made me feel good about Neith. I think she’s a lot of fun to play but she always seems like everyone says she’s sub-par.
I think I’m going to go for those 3-4s you mentioned. Especially the 3s, since they can be used all over.
What do you think about Treevil vs Maeve? I keep thinking that that (eventual) +50% mana generation is bananas, but I may have my head in the proverbial clouds on that one.
She used to be meh, but she is one of the few that got an actual buff in one of those balance updates, since then she´s pretty strong! Makes a good tank or flank!
Both are great! Treevil is the obvious 3s rush tank as well as amazing on rush offense (not much use in other formats). But in rush you can´t do better than that one.
Maeve is not bad on defense, but a real winner for offense in all formats. Especially good if you get her green buddy Noril.
If I had to pick just one I would vote for Milena, she is as versatile a hero as there is. VF heal and cleanse, 2nd charge hits like a truck and dispells . Both have possible 10% mana to all allies and also a chance at 5% mana stack. Her aether power of damage reduction is nice also.
Yes. I thought it’d be funny to have a whole Magni team.
But really I intend to have 2 emblemed ones, costume 1 and costume 2. With Frida, it’s a lot of doom for anyone they all three hit.
Same here. Jean-Franc has been benched since Telluria went out. I was hoping to have another good 2020 hero to pair him with for that element link to hit everyone. That, or Killhare so I could buff my team with her debuff.