"Invite only" is misleading -- Change to "By Request"

Shame this didn’t get more traction but to prove the point since pov finished we have set our alliance to open and already have 2 new members. Not saying they wouldn’t have joined if we were still invite only but I can’t remember the last time we had someone join when invite only and within a day we have 2 being open. Alliance recruitment sucks!!


Sometimes requests to join go into spam lol :slight_smile:

Request only would also be misleading and confusing to new players, leading players to think they only have to request to join to become a member. You still need an invite even after the request. Most that are actively recruiting have instructions in their banner.

My alliance is mainly F2P/C2P with many low-level casual players. We are around 144k. I can easily see an all-F2P higher level alliance being double that. We are open, don’t recruit, and are typically at 28-30 members.

I agree with this and I’m gonna add my vote.

I remember when I started I didn’t know that you actually couldn’t be invited, you had to request to join alliances set to this. I support making this clearer for future new players.


For a wet noodle full of anxiety like me, the idea of needing to be invited to join kept me for a long time from finding a suitable alliance. Even now with a not-so-terrible-4400 defense team, I am still averse to invite-only alliances, afraid of the deep deep shame of being the uninvited guest :cold_sweat:.


this is something i am also worried about, transforming my alliance from open to invite only.
there is always that wandering player that isnt very advanced in the game but has great potential and could be very beneficial that would hesitate if they dont know any better.
i did get some awesome additions to my alliance because its open.
but if we turn it into invite only to avoid those who pop in and pop out or avoid any drama, will we lose great potentials?