Increase number of Reset Emblem tokens available – Loot, Rewards, VIP, Shop

If you make enough noise, they might bring it back…

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Maybe I have all of them… 21 at the moment lol.

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I have 30, and never understood why people want more, but it seems its just me and other dont get that many.

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I haven’t seen one in emblems quests in two months.

With so many new heroes. Emblems easier to get. You need to switch them alot more.

We should receive 100% of our emblems back when using gems. Reset emblems should have the perk of ham and iron back (more than currently offered)

Okay, time for a forum warrior to debate me and tell me this reasonable request is silly. Reply below! :smile:

That’s what reset emblems are for. Although the ham and iron returned should be more

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There was a time when food and iron, or portion of what were used, were not returned back after using the reset emblem. Only the full amount of emblems were returned when one is using reset emblems.

As to the resetting of the talents using gems, it is a game feature that only a portion of the used emblems will be returned. Hence, the importance of reset emblems.

As to the availability of the reset emblems, multiple threads were already created:


I think that is much better to increase the number of emblems from the alcashards , make it 50 instead od 30.

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with the number/speed of new hero releases, I definitely feel a greater need for reset emblems. sometimes I will work on one hero, only to pull another one who fills that hero’s niche much better.

Agree with this idea and put it earlier on another post.
30 emblems are way too little for 1000alkashards!
The other items are ok eg. possibiliy to get 4*ascension, .great battle items