Inclusion of new titans and appear on each map of their season

Inclusion of new titans and appear on each map of their season

The proposal is that they include new titans with different abilities and that have finite life, that are not like the mythical titans. Since the game starts, there are only titans on map 1 season 1. My proposal is that new titans appear on each season map and that you have the maximized characteristics of that world, for example that in Atlantis when the map is active a titan of water with special characteristics and that can be killed, and that the rewards are better, when this active Valhalla has a special titan from that map, and also for season 4.
That if the rewards of these titans are better and that they have more life than the 14 star titans.

If E&P like this idea and implement it, hopefully they will give me credit for the idea with some free 5 star heroes, hahaha… …

So we would have 4 titans to hit needing to burn even more items?

The idea is not to get stuck with the same titans, it should include others with better rewards and with other characteristics that represent each season of the map. Not four one every time the season comes around like Atlantis, Valhalla and Underwild

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