Inactive leadership alliance

Lot of alliances inactive leadership… This big trouble with wars I think…
My idea remove all inactive leadership alliance…


Why? Each alliance member is free to leave and find another alliance. There are lots of alliances that lack for 1-4 active members. Number of free players is less than that of incomplete alliances and recruiter compete for newcomers. Honestly I don’t see, why any additional measures are required here.


Or players can leave and set up with new leaders. It’s not easy, but perfectly doable.

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I understand the concern of the OP because when you search to join a new alliance with the in game system you get lot of those alliance and you cannot filter them out.
If you join them without realizing no one is able to manage them, then you find yourself in an alliance where most member join and leave after some time which you will end up to do yourself at some point.

Once you know to check to make sure the leader is active then you don’t join them.

I think there should be a way to have those inactive leader alliance to be “challenge” by a majority vote from the active member, there is a lot of thread about this topic.

One big improvement with version 15 is the new automatic opt out of war after 2 missed.
This will help those alliance get easier war as usually leader were strong player and their war was matching stronger alliance than the actual active membership.

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We need some sort of a messageboard players can visit to interact with each other and identify alliances that have both active leadership and a culture that suits their playing style.

Oh, wait.


You did not understand my question. I’ll give you an example. Watch the war this time. This team only 4 active people. Others all inactive. According to you so right to play.
Part of inactivity players always lost the game

You did not understand my question. I’ll give you an example. Watch the war this time. This team only 4 active people. Others all inactive. According to you so right to play.
Part of inactivity players always lost the game

What’s spectator mode?

The new “automatic opt out of war for inactivity” as just been release in version 15.

To judge the war matching system we will/might have to wait 2 wars from now.

I doubt they made inactivity opt out retroactive, someone asked the question but I did not see answer to it.

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No, I’m not saying it is right to play this way. I’m saying that active players can find another active alliance that lacks for players and join it. Everybody will be happy: alliance will get active member, active members join alive alliance where they can act together with others. Before leaving an old alliance all the active members, if they are comfortable with each other, can come to an agreement on which alliance to go.

To me it looks better that an administrative action do dismiss all the alliances with inactive leadership.


If that’s all you took away from the thread, I probably need to make it more interesting :thinking:

We got some excellent alliance members direct from that post, so I doubt I’m going to change the signature.


I get it. In fact I thank you again … This is not my problem … I asked for all players … Alquni can not ask for his problems. We hope to be part of Administrator, the right answer for all inactive players

Yp I see it
Anyway that’s joke ok

Ok. Sorry I didn’t see it :grinning:

@KiraSG @Rook Lot of alliances inactive leadership… This big trouble with wars I think…
My idea remove all inactive leadership alliance…

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just fyi - Rook is not Small Giant staff - she is a moderater on the forum, but is a player like yourself.


Imagine that your request came true. Hundreds or may be thousands of players can find themselves “homeless” (not in any alliance and without ability to hunt Titans and participate in Alliance Wars) at once. What they are going to do next?

Sometimes you didn’t understand my question??
Elder , co leaders , have permission remove and add people… only members don’t have permission.modify teams… some team’s going forward without co leaders, & elder , inactive leadership… that my question…

You can remove inactive leadership yourself already.

  1. All active players quit.
  2. Those active players then form a new alliance, making themselves the leaders.
  3. Everyone eats hot buttered toast.