In raids or wars against wilbur... attack him?

As i am in a raid against wilbur i don’t attack him on purpose. His special goes for me too, so if enemies attacks my weak jackal he won’t be one shot.

Wrong tactics or do you do the same?

You’d likely want to kill him with snipers not tiles to prevent his ability from going off. If hes charged and your opponent still has all 5 heros up, good luck winning the fight ( you basically lose 4 turns and take on a bunch of inneviateable damage) unless you can debuff. Slightly less powerful and effective the less heros the opponent has.

Based on you saying:
“His special goes for me too, so if enemies attacks my weak jackal he won’t be one shot.”

I added a picture of his card incase you didnt realize it also gives you a defence debuff.

Or you can use Kiril, Magni or any other hero with +def special - cleanse the -def and replace with +def.

And Tiburtus, Kunchen, Gormek, Grimm, replacing the enemies- +def with -def.


For me it depends. If i have caedmon charged and another, more deadly hero is about to hit me I’ll usually let wilbur go off in favor of killing the other hero with lianna/hansel, then immediately debuff the enemies with caedmon after wilbur hits. Like others have said you can also use a hero on your side to cleanse or defense buff your team to get rid of the defense debuff wilbur puts on you.

It’s all about strategy. If you like to take advantage of wilbur’s special then bring the heroes you need to utilize it so that you recieve the advantage instead of your opponent.

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I dun mind raiding team with Wilbur in. I’ll use Rigard to cleanse my team and Sonya to cleanse him. Then I have the shared damage and he doesn’t. :slight_smile:

Or you can use Wilbur against Wilbur, basically exchanging the defense buffs and debuffs.