Image design details of Jove and Fortuna

A hero with a collection of two elements feels like it would be a great idea to tell SG, haha!

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Thank you, I look forward to it, but as a player, it feels like SG is launching new heroes too fast.


I am not expecting the rest in the game before late spring / summer in 2023.
But we will see :smiley:

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Amazing as always Bai Ming

I think Fortuna has the best artwork in the game :+1:t2:

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Wow, these are great! Looking forward to seeing more of your designs

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I opened my personal Instagram, if you are interested in my drawings, you can follow each other, I will also share some sketches of the hero’s design, it seems that I can not share too much personal work here. bai_mingcg


Great work by the artist! You are damn talented!
It is a pity that these works will not decorate my gallery, no luck…


I have non-commercial personal works, if interested, you can come to my personal page
Instagram, the name is bai_mingcg


These are really wonderful, looking forward to more like them! :heart_eyes:


Thirded. Something like Heroic Illustrator


thank you!There are some interesting heroes in the subsequent masquerade family


I thought i gave them a dragon … Before ?

Is this a second account or a different person
Ip address are different (but second account isn’t allowed forum rules)



Something happened to the first
But i do not have the details…I hope this does not cause issue for @Bai_Ming

Thanks @Dudeious.Maximus

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It’s the same person, before because of Malicna’s post.
Now use this account.
I already have this labeled, no need to give it to me again. Followed by the heroes of the masquerade family online.
Just share a little detail on the hero image.

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But I think SG didn’t take advantage of this special point when designing her skills

The image design of this family has many opposing ideas. I hope that the abilities of the heroes of the mask family that have not yet been launched will be more interesting.

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And surely this idea can be a new mine of money for SG and of course it will drain our pockets.

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Rational consumption, I only buy VIP cards now

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Thank you so much for sharing these, especially the detail shots. E&P has wonderful character art, and it’s incredible to see it up close like this.


Thank you @Bai_Ming for your work! I pulled Fortuna and while I don’t like the special so much, I am still happy because I really love her art.

I was just thinking that it’s the best art in the game since the Clash of Knights :slight_smile: