Ice Ice My Baby - Recruiting

An amazing, non-dramatic international alliance looking for members to join!

:crossed_swords: FFA, use all war flags, we understand that real life comes first.
Communication is key

:dragon: Titans are between 9 to 12 :star: (more member hits = higher :star: titans)

:computer: Discord is available, but not a must. We share info/advice on heroes, war reminders and results, etc.

:world_map: Although our current members are from around the globe, the preferred language is English

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JackrabbitGeorge looking for a new Alliance
I am new, i have played now for 3 months, but decided player.
Currently my 1st team is at 4900.
I am at now at 2200 cups.
I am looking for a new alliance to help me progress.

Hi! Come on through, the doors are open!

Happy new year to all!!

Come & join an amazing crew, make us your new alliance :crossed_swords:

We got 10 spots open :keycap_ten:

Still here waiting for you to join :+1:

Id be curious on joining, few questions though if i may.

What sort of team powers are in war?
Do you cap at titans to avoid wasting battle items?

Im trying to find a permanent place that isnt all pay to play, leave flags in war or no set titans rules (i dont wanna waste battle items lol)

Have you ever considered merging into a family of alliances?

My alliance - Guardians Vexed - just merged into the Guardian Family. We have 9 different alliances - four are laid-back but competitive (taking on titans between 12* and 14*, wars optional but if you opt in, use all your flags, participate in alliance quests and monster island, etc.), plus there are training alliances and even a Country Club for more casual players.

We would be willing to move some of our players around so your entire alliance can stick together. That way, we can help fill out your roster and fill the rosters of the other alliances.

I’m on Line at Dulok Empires if you’d like to know more.

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