Ice Cream Party is looking to merge or be merged-- 13 members

We are currently down to 13 members due to attrition from Omegas (quitting the game) and some players wanting to join power teams. Our alliance is positive and social. We are active in wars are havent lost a titan in quite some time. We used to fight 13* but we are currently at 11*. We use Discord as well as game chat.

We are looking to join an alliance or be joined. We just know 14 players isn’t nearly as fun.

My Discord is Rogarz


competitive or casual?

East of the Equator has 11 spots open. We are a family of 5 alliances so would have room for everyone.
We are a laid back but very aggressive alliance who understand RL comes first.
We have a very extensive library that we share with over 500 members. Would be more that happy to share it with you just for stopping by for a chat.
Its on our discord channels
Just hit the link below,it brings you to our welcome channel where we can chat, or just stop by for a visit . We are open so drop by anytime.
Heres the link to our discord

We play hard but some members are F2P and we recognize that. We have uniform war defense and require participation wars unless opt out and require titan hits with faurly low minimum of 60,000. We are international so we dont coordinate we hits. We like to chat and enjoy that part of the game too.


already got my team signed up in Line, not going to push discord as well or i’d consider this more.

Trying to get to you via discord but wont let me message you. I am in Rogues Gallery family with Brandon

Hi Rogar, Rogues Alliance sure is, contact Lynch001 on line if you have it and he will set you in the right direction. We have 3 teams in this alliance of varying power, mostly high to very high, over the board seeking 11 minimum at the moment. Snoofy.

Hey Rogarz, Legends of Space has room for 8 at the moment, but would love to chat if you’re interested. We’re an opt-in war alliance and hitting 14* titans. We’re an international group and our war format allows our members to hit when they can in a semi-coordinated fashion. The alliance has been around since 2018 and we’re an active, friendly, chatty bunch.

Our alliance stats are tracked on our website for all members:

Line: uxjulia
Discord: UX_J

My alliance (Nobody Minds) has exactly 13 spots. Are you still keen?
Please contact _ayashiro or ruralx#4554 or takamo1446 via discord

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We’d be up for discussing a merger (Here’s our recruitment thread) - sound like a good match in theory. We’re FFA wars during Ng the week and loose wave strategy at weekends. The only sticking point could be that we were capping at 12* titans (except rare) to make it easier on resources and for the F2P crew - but if we were near full again that might be up for discussion (we did have a period of 13*) - let me know if it sounds interesting and I’ll add you on Discord.

We only have 7 spots open at a moment. Chaining 14*, competitive but casual at the same time. If you’re interested come check us out @turpitude.

Hey Rogarz,

This is takamo, also from Nobody Minds. Just to add more colors to Ayashiro’s comment.

Nobody Minds is a part of family alliances, Minds Family, consists of 5 alliances with a discord server among all (Discord communication not required). As of now, we have 18 members and have exact opening of 12 to welcome your whole party to have ice cream together as Nobodies and no one gets left behind!

FFA wars, titan hit required daily but no minimum hit score requirement. Member levels and trophies look pretty similar to your members.

Contact us on Discord or you can join us to check us out or send someone to check us out right after the war. Looking forward to hearing from you! Let’s have fun together.

May the force be with you :pray:

Hi rogarz, can i interest you with Crew-Barons? I tried finding u at discord but I’m really an idiot on that platform. If u have Line, please add Mpolo67, might be a good fit for you guys… currently have 11 spots as im only visiting the barons. I can take 1 for the Mates to solve the numbers :rofl:

My discord id is skellet53
I sent u a friend request… If i even get that right :roll_eyes:

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Darkness Shines may be interested!

We’re down to 22 but have a couple who could be trimmed as they really aren’t active.

We don’t have a minimum score on titans and for war we coordinate tanks but beyond that it’s Free for all.

My LINE is @AndyBSG and we’re fairly open on being the ‘merger’ or the ‘mergee’ and fully flexible on leadership

hello! stand and conquer alliance (16 members, almost perfect) is looking for merger, check it out, let me know if you are interested and I’ll connect you with leader, don’t have discord handle at hand. cheers!

Hello, I’ve sent you a friend request on Discord. I’m the leader of “Stand and conquer” - international - currently 16 member alliance (lost quite a few members due to leaving the game), we would be happy to have you guys. No fuss, no stress, just playing the game and having fun. FFA wars with coordinated tanks, hitting titan is prefered, but we understand vacations and stuff…Approve my req on Discord, we can chat there if interested. Cheers!

Thanks all. We merged with Nobody Minds as they could take our entire roster and seem like a great crew with good fit.


Awesome. :beers:

Is that the end of ICP?

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