I would like to know more about you forum folk

The four sections represent my gaming obsessions when I joined the forum.

Like @Kerridoc learned, once everyone knows your avatar, you cannot go updating it.

The upper right is my old avatar from Niantic’s Ingress. Gryphonkit, my wife, started playing it after searching for “exercise gamification”. With the pandemic, I have not been playing as much ( same with PoCARmon GO, er, Pokemon GO and Wizards Unite ).

The upper left is the final cutscene for Space Miner: Space ORE Bust. A multiple, award winning game that ran into monetization issues like SGG’s Oddwings. It has a great story, great art, multiple difficulties and New Game Plus which rewards you for multiple play throughs.

Apparently Space Miner is now available through GameClub. GameClub appears to be old games lacking freemium designs ( maybe SGG/ Zynga’s Oddwing could find a home there ).

The lower right is a Tuckerization from platinum edition Space Miner: Space ORE Bust. I wrote several play throughs on Touch Arcade for Space Miner: Space ORE Bust including a permadeath play through ( HardcORE difficulty ). When the platinum edition came out, they tuckerized me with my very own sector of space “Bee jay Industries, one of MSC’s long-time competitors, once operated a future-generation AI laboratory in this sector. Unfortunately, the AI became too smart and turned on its human creators because that’s what happens EVERY TIME.”

The lower left is a wizard tower in an active volcano from Book of Heroes by Megaspace Industries ( formerly Venan Entertainment ). Great story, great art, but was designed mostly for F2P / C2P instead of P2W, so last content update was a long time ago. I did suggest Book of Heroes add a gacha mechanic, but it most the Devs had moved on to other games.