I tell you 15 names. You tell me the best defence

Heya! I’m truly interested in your opinion guys.

What is the best defence you can come out with, using these dudes :point_down:

Red: Ares, Grazul, Anzogh
Yellow: Poseidon, Inari, Guinevere, Musashi
Purple: Khiona, Hel, Boss Wolf, Ursena, Seshat
Blue: Finley, Richard
Green: Kingston

Thank you so much in advance! :wink:

Tank: Guinevere
Flank: Grazul
Flank: Boss Wolf
Wing: Richard
Wing: Kingston


Finley-Anzogh-Guin-Hel-Kingston if you really want to run a rainbow team on defence.


You know that if you ask a question like this, most likely 20 people will answer in 20 different ways.

Tank: Guinevere
Left Flank: Seshat
Right Flank: Hel
Left Wing: Finley
Right Wing: Kingston

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:fist_left: Finley :raised_hand: Khiona :shield: Guinevere :shield: :raised_back_of_hand: Hel :fist_right: Anzogh

Thank you guys. You have been very helpful. i think i’ll go with @D_DI second formation. Thank you so much.

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Finley - Ursena - Guinevere - Seshat - Kingston

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If you want rainbow, put Grazul on left flank and Hel on right flank

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The reason I didn’t suggest Seshat is because she wouldn’t work well with Finley. If Seshat and Finley are charged up in the same turn, and he fires before Seshat, there wouldn’t be a problem. However, if Seshat dispels the buffs from 3 enemies the turn before Finley is charged up, then his special’s power would be significantly reduced.

I also wouldn’t use Guin + another healer, that’s too much healing, imho.


Kingston - Hel - Guin - Seshat - Finley