Dear all experts, I need help in forming 6 war teams with these heroes… probably 2 strong, 2 middle and 2 weak teams… … thank you in advance
There are no standard teams. Typically you observe the opponent. Good tactic would be to put a 2 colour team. 3 against the tank (centre position) and 2 for a nasty hero. Then you pray for not too bad boards. Stacking gives advantage over rainbow most of the time
Strong team then would have min 3 5 and 2 4 star heroes.
Marjana, delilah, Proteus, skittles, kiril, Boldtusk, Li Xiu, Hu Tao, Kelile, Magni, colen, cyprian, kashtrek, little John, Grimm, Caedmon and Gormek would be a nice pool to choose from for first 2 teams.
Try to have a team that is max 300 less than the opponent.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I was kind of foolish by using the auto fill …
@VFROOD… thank you for your assistance…
Okay so for a war team should I do Seshat/magni/leonidas/QoH/Lianna
Yellow is the tank for the war btw and besides a slightly embalmed jackal/gretel I have no yellows
I’ll echo the thought that war teams should be set up as needed, and it doesn’t always make sense to try to establish exactly what you’re using ahead of time.
In general you’ll want:
1 or 2 healers
No more than one buffer (that doesn’t deal direct damage)
2 to 3 hitters
Color stacks work really well. Try 3 & 2 and 4 & 1, and even mono-colored.
I will pick the 2nd or 3rd option. Option 1 is good for raid defense but as @Raghadorn just said, you will need 1/2 healer for war defense. In war, after your base got attacked, it doesn’t return to full health (except sometimes with healing aid).
Kunchen is a good tank, but Ariel is a better flank. However for a yellow tank, you might want 1 or 2 purple flank… Is it mandatory in your alliance to put 5 colors? If not, Leonidas flanked by Kunchen and Seshat might be a good option (with snipers on wing).
Heard 20characters
Probly 3rd one
But would definitely keep eyes out for better options(as long as they bring some improvement offensively as well)
Think natural is talkin defense unless I’m mistaken